
Stage One: Interstellar Clouds

Decent Essays

Stage One: Interstellar Clouds

Stars, such as our sun begin their life in an entirely different form from the one we come to recognize. Their lives begin in the bitter cold, around 10 degrees Kelvin, which is only a few degrees above the 3 degrees Kelvin temperature of the background of space itself. Their density is also extremely sparse, with a density of around 1 billion particles per cubic metre, which is only a wisp in comparison to the density of around 1410 kilograms per cubic metre that the sun like star will have during its time on the main sequence. Although they may be quite low in density, the clouds are absolutely enormous, spanning up to tens of parsecs (an astronomical unit of measurement that is determined to be around 19 trillion miles) across. In these clouds, there is an abundance of molecular and atomic gases of various types, which will serve as the rough material that will be used to create the stars and solar systems. Hydrogen is the most abundant element found within these clouds, although they can also contain many other trace elements of metals and gasses.

These clouds can exist undisturbed for extended periods, as they are quite able to withstand their own gravity, due to the low density and magnetic field that protects it from drifting into open space, and are considered to be stable. If a nearby, external …show more content…

As gravity pulls the materials together, the density continues to increase at an exponential rate. Due to the higher density, the energy and radiation being produced is unable to escape into open space. Being unable to be released, the continued build-up of energy and radiation causes the temperatures to rise sharply. The once bitterly cold, enormous cloud is now a series of smaller fragments that are much hotter than

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