
St Ignatius Research Paper

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St Ignatius was born into a royal family in Castile, Spain, 1491, and died Rome, Italy, 1556. Ignatius was involved in the royal household at early years, “he became a page in 1506 in service of a relative”(Edward A Ryan, 2). He kept that job for a while “then later on he became a knight in 1517”(Edward A Ryan, 3). Knights were deployed into battle,”After becoming a knight Ignatius was deployed into the military under the king's diplomatic mission”(Edward A Ryan,3). Later while deployed defending the citadel of pamplona against the french Ignatius wa hit by a cannonball May, 20, 1521. Ignatius’ Life led to great things he helped out in so many ways and his early life helped so much too from what his life is known for.

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