SSCM met response time @ 11:49 a.m. at Grovetown Elementary. The interview included Anna Mutimer, who is the school counselor, SSCM, and Branden Hollings, who is listed as the VC in the report with the allegations. Branden reported that his mom works at night at a laundry mat, and also has a second job. The second job is unknown. Branden reported that his stepdad doesn’t work. Branden reported that he has three siblings, two sisters, and an older brother, who also reside in the home with him, mom, and his stepdad. During the interview Branden continuously expressed how he didn’t like his stepdad, because he tells him things that he doesn’t need to know. For example, Branden reported that his stepdad tells him about how his mother didn’t want him, which is why his …show more content…
Branden reported both mom and James discipline him in the home, and they mainly sends him to his room. Branden reported once James spanked him with a broken back stretcher with tape wrapped around it. He reported that pain lasted all night until the next morning. Branden reported that he would like for his mom, siblings, and himself to move with his grandparents to Augusta, because he knows he will be safe there. Branden reported that James told his mom, “my house, my rules… and everyone has to follow my rules.” Branden reported that everyone in the home was staying with his grandparents (Bmo’s parents) until James spanked him, and his grandparents kicked him out of the home. Branden reported that when the bills come in the home, mom says, “zoom”, and they move to another home. Branden reported that his is in the afterschool program, which helps him with different subjects. Anna Mutimer made the comment that they move a lot. Branden reported that they were staying with his grandparents in Augusta, and they were staying somewhere else, and now they reside in their current home, which is a
CM Gilmore completed a home visit at the residence of Denika Davis. CM Gilmore addressed the allegations in the report. Ms. Davis responded to the allegations by stating that VC has been having a lot of behavioral issues at school in the classroom. Ms. Davis was able to provide the behavioral notes from the teacher regarding her behavior. She disclosed that she will start off with a small discipline, which would be taking away her eletronics. She disclosed that then it would move to her not being to play on the basketball team. She admitted to spanking her due to her discipline. VC disclosed that they pray every morning about her behavior, and has no safety concerns at home with her mom. CM Gilmore contacted the school, who had no other concerns
Brook did take Kyneligh to the doctor for a wellness checkup for school. Kyneligh would tell me her newnew was hurting; then the reporter would put some vaseline on it. Not knowing this was going on with Kyneligh. Tucker has been complaining his butts been hurting for a month. When Tucker was doing number two (having a bowel movement); Tucker hollered MaMa my butt hurt, put some vaseline on it. Kyneligh and Tucker's baby sister (Karsynn's) lip on her vagina is twice the size for her age in my opinion. The reporter stated that:" She knows she is not a medical doctor." Karsynn does not like to wipe front and back when she dodo (have a bowel movement). Karsynn does not want me to touch her. Both of Tucker and Karsynn's ears are purple. It appeared like someone pulled Tucker and Karsynn's ears. Tucker's has two quarters size bruises on his cheek. Tucker's has a bruise on his face. Brooks was asked about Tucker's bruises. Brooks stated that: "Tucker fell out of the bed." Tucker's hands were burns at home. Brooke stated that: "She is teaching the children to watch their hands after using the restroom. Tucker fell off the stool; while turning on the water. Tucker got back on the stool to
She reported prior to living with her father, she was living with her mother and siblings. She reported the family lost their apartment due her brother using the side of the apartment as a bathroom. Jaikayliah reported her father has rules of the home she is expected to follow. She reported the rules include no eating in the living room, complete chores and complete all homework first. Jaikayliah reported when she does not complete her chores she is punished by having her cell
The worker contacted Susie Hansen; who stated she was a mentor and mother figure for Mindy Cottier. Mrs. Hansen stated she didn’t have any concerns for Mrs. Cotter’s family, but she knew why she was being contacted by DHS. Mrs. Cottier stated “Sam and Maddie were having a birthday party at my house and Samuel was having a meltdown, you see Samuel has Oppositional Defiance Disorder and takes medication to keep it in control so every no a then he has these meltdowns and it hard to get him back under control, anyway Sam was having an episode at his party and Chris Mindy’s husband and Sam’s step dad was telling him to stand in the corner until he calms down. Sam refused and was yelling and thrashing around on the hard tile floor in front of the
The boys dropped the spinner and it would no longer spin. Tamyia became upset and began to play on mom's phone. Lmayia spoke with the boys about their foster mom. The boys report she is mean. Worker stated the foster parent is not mean, but strict. Lamyia reports that she does not want the foster parent to be strict with her children. The worker stated that no many foster parents could handle the behaviors of the boys. the Boys whisper about the foster parent. Worker and mom question why they were whispering. The boys reported that Tyren was choked by the foster parent. The worker and Lamyia coaxed the boys to tell them the story about why Tyren being choked. The boys reported that they were in trouble for stealing crackers from the kitchen and hid in their bedroom. The children play together with Lamyia and Hula hooped. Lamyia lifted the the children are shoulders and swinging them around in circles. The visit went back to a visiting room where Lamyia drew each child's name. And the children colored and their names. When Lamyia was giving Terrance Junior attention to Tamyia became jealous and stated that the Lamyia treats the boys like babies. Lamyia spoke about seeing Tamaya at church. Tamyia hid
A, B) MSTT met with the caregiver to examine how she plans to increase the supervision and monitoring of the youth while out in public. Caregiver expressed while the youth is at home she is going to speak with her mother and his aunt to help while she's at work. MSTT encouraged caregiver to reach out to the school and ask them if they would be able to supervise and monitor him. Caregiver contacted the school and is waiting to hear a response. MSTT will continue to work with the caregiver in increasing the supervision
A team meeting was held at Lutz today with Scott, his parents, this counselor, his teacher Mrs. Shannon, Vice Principle Nick DeVault, acting Principle John Nader, and Transition Coordinator Joe Delegato. The meeting was set to discuss Scott's participation in the STEP program and what his family is looking for when it comes to his MRS case and employment. Scott's teacher feels that STEP isn't necessarily the right placement for him and wanted to discuss this with the team. Scott's parents stated, " we have always felt like Scott has never been in the right placement. He is either to low functioning or two high functioning for the program he is in. We agree that his options need to be explored." His teacher Mrs. Shannon then went on to explain that although Scott does quality work on his sites, is always friendly, and hard working, there are a lot of concerns that are holding him back in the program. Shannon stated, " Scott has trouble staying focused, requires a lot of reminders, wonders a lot, takes a long time to complete a task (2 times the amount needed), is unable to work fast paced or multi-task, can't typically be left alone, and communicates inappropriately at times. Shannon stated that his need for constant supervisor and inappropriate communication is her biggest concern. Shannon stated that Scott often sings My
Carl Fleischer, a 17 year old high school student was sent to the Social Workers office to discuss surrounding issues that might be the cause of his failing grades. Carl was very candid in his conversation with the Social Worker and admits to being an under achiever. Carl is not performing well academically which is a concern. The school Social Worker wanted to learn about Carl and asked him open and closed ended questions about is daily life style. Carl was very talkative in the conversation about himself and became detached when asked to talk more about why he felt he dad was a scumbag.
The worker contacted Carloe Jackson who stated she was a cousin of Toye Lenley. Mrs. Jackson stated "Toye is a very loving mother. She and her son have a loving relationship Toye makes sure Kayden has everything he need and is loved and provided for. The worker asked Mrs. Jackson about Toye Lenley live in girlfriend Lati Scott and if she had any concern for her. Mrs. Jackson stated "Toye and Lati get along fine Lati also has a good relationship with Toye's son. The worker asked if Mrs. Jackson had any concerns for domestic violence between the couple. Mrs. Jackson stated "Nothing I'm aware of or suspicious of." The worker asked Mrs. Jackson if she knew how the child in the home was disaplined in the home by the parents." Mrs. Jackson stated
A,B,C) MSTT and Sabrina disucss with Esmrel is negative school behaviors and how the breakup and separation is affecting him. Esmrel explained the breakup does not bother him but the separation does bother him, because he want his parents to stay together. Sabrina explained to Esmrel why she has to leave and move on and asked what she could be to help him deal with the situation. MSTT, Sabrina and Esmrel continued the discussion and will contiune to assess Esmrel feeling during the transition
UCM: CPSW did a home visit to Ms. Brenda Borkovec's home. Both children were in the living room playing together. Also, Ms. Brenda was in the living room holding Aydden and feeding him. Ms. Brenda stated that she has not received any papers regarding her foster care license. Ms. Brenda stated that she is frustrated with the process and that it has taken a longer time. Ms. Brenda mentioned that it has taken a long time for her to complete her fingerprint. She reported that currently she is waiting the background study and fingerprint forms to be sent to her. Ms. Borkovec's phone ring and it was Elizabeth Borkovec. Ms. Brenda asked CPSW if Elizabeth can come and join the meeting. CPSW approved it and Elizabeth Borkovec showed up less than 5 minutes.
CM conducted a Face to Face meeting at the family’s home. In attendance were Jasmine Alexander (CM), Mrs. Christine Edman (mother), Destiny Tyler (youth), Freddie Tyler (father) and Ms. Reyes (DCP&P). Destiny informed the team that she started 3rd grade last week and she is excited about school. Mrs. Edman explained to the team that Destiny bedtime is at 8:30pm and the only TV channels Destiny is allowed to watch are Wild Life and Ocean Life. Mrs. Edman stated that Destiny has been spreading rumors about her and her brother sharing the same room in the past. Mrs. Edman and Mr. Tyler explained that Destiny did not share a room with her brother due to the age and gender difference. CM was informed that Destiny used to sleep in her mother bedroom when her brother was living with the family. Mrs. Edman and Mr. Tyler wants Destiny to tell the truth. CM and Ms. Reyes suggest for the family to attend family counseling to work on communication. Mrs. Edman and Mr. Tyler informed CM that family counseling is not a good fit for them due to their past experiences. Ms. Reyes informed the team that she is waiting for the evaluation to come back from Audrey Hepburn. Also, Ms. Reyes will seek information regarding Project Safe with her supervisor. The team was informed that Destiny will continue attending Christ Hospital outpatient services until DCP &P find a psychiatrist that specialize in sexual assault for the youth.
SSCM Gilmore made an unannounced visit to Martinez Elementary School to conduct an interview with Madison Williams. The interview included school counselor Tamara Mathis, Madison Williams, and SSCM Gilmore. Madison is a 4th grader at the elementary school, with no known behavioral issues in class. She is known to be on time for school every day. Ms. Mathis reported that last year she was in her office a lot discussing the illness of her mother. Madison reported that she is aware what inappropriate touching is, and who she can talk to if someone touches her in bad areas. Madison reported that no one has touched her in a bad area. She reported that she would tell her mother or the Ms. Mathis of who touched her in the bad areas. She reported
As advised by Jen, I'm sending you my accomplished Category Manager Project Whole Body. Please, let me know if this is sufficient. Otherwise, I can send an additional copy and email to each panel interview member separately.
Caseworker Jessica, spoke with Ja’Kevion on 10/19/17, and he said that he was on punishment for 3 months because his sister did not have on panties and he was falsely accused of pulling her panties down. Reporter visited the family on 11/16/17 and mom (Marion) informed stated that Ja’Kevion was messing with his sister and brother. Mom told the reporter she went into the living room and Ja’Kevion was at the table. She had left her daughter in the room and when she went back to the room she notice the cover looked messed up and it was high. She pulled the cover back and her daughter panties and pants were pulled down. Mom asked the child why her clothes were down and she did not want to admit what happen to her. It took her a while to answer and she said Ja’Kevion pulled her clothes down and he was messing with her. Reporter