
Sprint Participation

Satisfactory Essays

Morning meeting to sprint: Students will transition from the carpet back to their seats. Look for students who have their desk cleared off and are ready to receive their sprint.
Sprint to students standing: Have the students stand up. Students will sit based on the number they got correct. T: “If you got three right stay standing, etc.”
In their seats to hundreds chart: Call students down to the carpet by table number. Look for quiet voices and clean desks.
Hundreds chart to white boards: Call student by rows to grab a marker, white board, and a sock.
White boards to concept development: Prepare students for the content verbally. “Since you guys are so good at drawing units of ones, tens, and hundreds to represent a number. I think we should try using those same units from one number to another.” …show more content…

Gorie, give her the problem set papers for those students. Call independent workers by row back to their table, hand each students a problem set worksheet.
Problems set to whole group directions: 1-2-3 eyes on me to gain students attention back up front. Let students know that once they finish they need to have their work checked by a teacher and then they can start the exit ticket.
Group directions to exit ticket: Check students work once they have finished the problem set. Distribute the exit ticket based on completion and accuracy.
Exit ticket to sprint/ Students who finish the exit ticket will finish their sprint/ independently. The teacher may check students exit ticket for completion.
Independent/small group to whole group summary: 1-2-3 eyes on me, ask the entire class to find their seat. “I need everyone to be in their seat, 5-4-3-2-1. I like how (students name) is in their

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