
Sports Owners Should Fund Stadiums

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The net worth of an owner of a major sports team often ranges in the billions. However, when it comes time for a new stadium or renovations need to be made to a current one, taxpayers often foot a large portion of the bill. Given their immense wealth, sports owners should fund stadiums on their own. Over the last two decades, taxpayers have paid nearly $7 billion in funding for NFL stadiums alone. Not only is that amount staggering, but the same could be said about the manner in which the funds are acquired in the first place. Often, this money finds its way to team owners subsequent to threats of team relocation. Until recently, destination cities such as Las Vegas and Los Angeles were not home to an NFL team. As a result of this, team owners would threaten to relocate to these cities if the proper amount of public funding was not secured. Furthermore, a lot of misinformation regarding job growth and boosts to the local economy is spread to help the case of the owners.

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