
Sports Stadiums: Turning Public Money into Private Profit Essay

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Sports Stadiums: Turning Public Money into Private Profit

Abstract: The Stadium construction boom continues, and taxpayers are being forced to pay for new high tech stadiums they don’t want. These new stadiums create only part-time jobs. Stadiums bring money in exclusively for professional leagues and not the communities. The teams are turning public money into private profit. Professional leagues are becoming extremely wealthy at the taxpayers expense. The publicly-funded stadium obsession must be put to a stop before athletes and coaches become even greedier. New stadiums being built hurt public schools, and send a message to children that leisure activities are more important than basic education. Public money …show more content…

Each of the stadiums are funded in unique ways, communities do not benefit from new stadiums, and stadiums do not save a struggling downtown. Foremost, stadiums hurt public schools, and this money should be used for more important public services. There are many reasons we subsidize sports, but stadiums do not help the economy, and there are no net benefits from stadiums. Teams strive for new stadiums to create an image, but there are options so that a community will not loose a team to another city without building a new stadium.

There are several options in paying for the new stadiums. Sports stadiums are subsidized by: construction and operating grants paid to private owners or developers, construction and ownership by governing agencies, a state or local tax, or by federal tax-exempt bonds, or the general public can pay . The public is forced to pay when general fund revenues are used to fund the stadium or a new tax is imposed. In Seattle, 2% of the county tax went toward paying for the kingdome. The cities, counties, and special districts can increase their general sales tax to raise money for stadiums. Sometimes state money is also used to fund the stadiums.

Taxpayers have been forced to pay for these stadiums in various ways. People who were not part of the majority and voted "no" on new a stadium have to pay the same amount of taxes as the people

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