
Speech On Vlad The Impaler

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Vlad Dracul II or better known as Vlad the Impaler was born in Sigisohara on November 4th 1431. He was the son of prince Vlad and grew up as a troublesome child who had a lust for blood. Vlad seized his father's throne in 1448 and permanently in 1456. In 1459 Vlad lived in the city of Brasov where he had over 30,000 Impaled, then in 1460 he moved onto the city of Sibiu and had over 10,000 impaled. In 1462 Vlad was deposed by the ottoman Sultan Mahammad II. Vlad Dracula was betrayed by his ally the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinos. He was imprisoned in Hungary for 12 years where he adopted the Catholic Religion even though he was Romanian. In 1476 Vlad Dracula regained the throne, but Vlad Dracula was killed by the Ottoman ally Laiota Basarab. Now I'm going to go through them separately to give you a grasp of just how hateful and nasty the citizens of Transylvania portrayed and depicted him as.
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This is Vlad on the battle field
Vlad's mother was named Princess Cneajna of Moldavia, she was the daughter of Alexandru cel Bun. He had two older half-brothers, Mircea II and Vlad Călugărul, and a younger brother, Radu cel Frumos. During his birth Vlad's father, known under the nickname the Dragon (Romanian: Dracul) had traveled to Nuremberg, located in Germany, where he had been vested into the Order of the Dragon. At the age of five, Vlad was also initiated into the Order. Like his father, who was the son of the

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