
Essay on Speech: IRA Retirement Plans

Decent Essays

Speech: IRA Retirement Plans

Saving for Retirement
General Purpose: My general purpose is to persuade.
Specific Purpose: My specific purpose is to persuade the audience to start saving for their retirement instead of simply relying on Social Security.
Thematic Statement: Starting to save for retirement early has many benefits over Social Security.

Introduction of Speech
I. I took a survey of thirty BSU students, who are employed, to determine how many of them have started saving for their retirement.
A. Only nine people, out of the thirty responses from various class levels, have started saving for their retirement.
1. This is understandable because most of us probably think that retirement is something that is eons away. …show more content…

First of all, allow me to explain what Social Security is.
A. Social Security is a Federal program where they take a percentage from all of the wages earned by workers in this country.
1. You can see what I mean when you examine your paycheck.
B. The money that is collected is put in a trust fund that provides a monthly income for retired workers.
II. According to The Heritage Foundation there are several problems to the current Social Security system.
A. Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute whose mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
B. Social Security gives a poor rate of return (Heritage Foundation, 2000).
1. The rate of return varies from person to person.
a. For instance, for the best case scenario, a married couple with two children and a single earner receives only 4.74 percent if the earner was born in 1932 (Heritage Foundation, 2000).
b. However, none of us were born in 1932 so that percentage decreases to less than 2.6 percent for those born in 1976 (Heritage Foundation, 2000).
c. Single men do the worst when they only have a rate of return of less than half a percent (Heritage Foundation, 2000).
C. People are becoming more dependent on Social

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