
Speaking Out In The Invisible Man

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Speaking out is not only useful to oneself, but for the others that are voiceless. Throughout the year of World Literature, there is one major theme portrayed throughout various readings, films, and pieces of art. Speaking out and learning your voice was a goal for the characters in the readings and was an important realization people need to come to see. Speaking out will eliminate the bystander within and support the cause that is most important to your beliefs. In the pieces Invisible Man, Malala, the Cycle of Liberation, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, and Siddhartha, the weakness of a bystander and the power of an altruist. Altruism, the feelings and behavior that show a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness (Merriam-Webster), …show more content…

The nameless, African-American protagonist is a bystander in the streets and even in the comfort of his own home. He stayed hidden and went with the rest of society never trying to cause harm or cause commotion. The Invisible Man went to college and got kicked out and was pushed around. He was told what to do during those times even though he knew he was getting pushed over. He decided that it would be best if he didn't do anything and accepted his problems as they were. The Invisible Man later needed to find connections after getting kicked out of school and joined a Brotherhood. Here he was apart of a group that manipulated him and he did their dirty work for them. “Brotherhood was something to which men could give themselves completely; that was its strength and my strength, and it was this sense of wholeness that guaranteed that it would change the course of history.” The Invisible Man felt that inside the Brotherhood was a safe place in which he could gain his voice and speak for a cause he believed in. However, he was unable to recognize the dangers of the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood’s antics caused the Invisible Man to become visible and speak against them. He was no longer a bystander in the corrupt Brotherhood. As the Brotherhood shifted their thoughts to a new ideology, the Invisible Man acknowledged that the Brotherhood used him to gain the African American favorability only to be used for the popularity in the end. When the Invisible Man strayed from the the path of a bystander, he became an altruist. He helped the black community realize their errors that they made with the Brotherhood, and directed them to the correct path to success. The Invisible Man was an effective altruist and became a helper in the African-American Community. He realized that the Brotherhood used him as a “token” and the Invisible Man wanted freedom not the horror and

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