The two sources I used in the last research summary were scientific resources because my topic has a scientific background. Both of them provided information on the history of the topic and went into great detail on facts about spaying and neutering. Both are the articles I used had similar information pertaining to the subject of spaying and neutering. In the first one, The History of Spaying and Neutering Animals it provided a few statistics about the overpopulation of pets, such as there were 300,000 homeless pets. In the other article, Pediatric Spay/Neuter, it specifically talked about spaying and neutering animals while they’re extremely young. Although both of the articles were on the same topic, they shed light on spaying and neutering as a whole with specific topics in between. Now that I researched the history of spaying and neutering, there are many pros and cons that have been recognized by many. …show more content…
In both of the articles, Spaying Your Female Dog- Pros and Cons and Neutering Your Male Dog- Pros and Cons, it mentions that one major disadvantage for spaying and neutering is that it increases the risk of hemangiosarcoma, which is a deadly form of cancer. This type of cancer attacks the heart and spleen in the animal’s body. In other words, while some types of cancer are prevented, some may come up. Also, it can cause hypothyroidism because it affects the endocrine system. Although it can be treated by medication, it still stressful for the dog and owner. Of course all surgeries are potentially dangerous and complications can pop up at any time. There could be internal bleeding, a bad reaction to the medicine given before or after surgery, inflammation, etc. In both spaying and neutering, the procedure has to be done at the perfect time, not too early and not too late, or it could cause hip dysplasia and bone
painful to the puppy, but it would also be extremely cruel and could lead to infection. Although
Everyone seems to be one sided on the subject of spay and neuter. You can ask anyone, be it a vet, an animal rights activist or animal shelter worker. They will all say the same thing, that you should have your pet neutered or spayed. Then they might go on to tell you the great benefits from neuter and spay, but they don’t explain to you some of the reasons to not spay or neuter. There are many reasons to not have your pet spayed or neutered.
In “Why I’ve Had a Change of Heart About Neutering Pets,” author Dr. Karen Becker explains to the reader about why sterilization is the best choice for dogs as oppose to spaying or neutering dogs due to the increase of health risks. Dr. Becker believes all organs are vital and none should be removed such as the ovaries and testes. By removing these organs the animals ability to produce sex hormones is being halted. In the article she states, “scientific evidence is mounting that gonad removal can deliver serious consequences to a dog’s future health. Among those consequences: shortened lifespan, Cushing’s disease, cardiac tumors, bone cancer, abnormal bone growth and development, CCL ruptures, and hip dysplasia”(Becker, para 7).
I think that the people that you shouldn’t train the animals should be put down because, their the one training the dog to be mean to people that they don’t know.
Thesis Statement: Imagine a dog running to fetch a toy, A horse galloping on a trail, or even a heard of cows grazing upon a grassy pasture. These same beloved animals could be suffering an unimaginable fate in some of the world concentration camps that are still standing. Only nowadays they are known to the outside world as slaughterhouses, fur farms, or experimentation centers.
I chose to use this source for my research paper because one of my research questions pertained to finding ways to outlaw abortion and what states already had. In my research paper I am planning on trying to persuade my readers to view abortion as immoral. While using this source, I was able to find many different statistics, each stating which states had banned abortion, when it was banned, and the specific types of restrictions each state had. When using this source in my paper I will be attempting to convince my readers that other states have began outlawing abortion and we need to push for more states to outlaw this immoral act as well. When writing a research
Due to the domestication of cats and dogs their populations have skyrocketed. This is due in part to the lack of pet owners acting in a responsible manner. These responsibilities include the spaying and neutering of pets. These numbers of
Many would argue that people do not always know what is best for their animals. Often, the owners of pets act out of self-interest rather than considering how the modification they are doing to their animal will affect it. Although declawing a cat may save the owner 's walls, couches, and skin from destruction, it also puts the cat through severe joint and back pain, depression, increased biting behavior, and disfigurement (Associated Press). These serious physiological and psychological side-effects of the modification should be taken more seriously than they are now and better considered
Even if Ginger doesn't need daily grooming, check her thoroughly to make sure she has no cuts, sores, fleas, rashes, bumps, ticks, or hitchhikers in her coat or dirt in her ears. Remove fleas with a fine-toothed comb and drop them into a container of soapy water. Remove embedded ticks with tweezers or protected fingers and drop them in a vial of alcohol. (Grasp the tick body, rock it back and forth, then pull firmly.) Carefully remove vegetative matter such as grass awns, seed casings, or thorny twigs with fingers or comb.
When you talk about animal treatments there is only one place to start, Veal. Veal is a male calf of a dairy cow. The male calf is taken away from its mother at one day old. Then they are shipped to farms where they are kept in dark tiny crates (PETA Dairy 5). The purpose of this procedure is to keep the calf from using muscles, keeping the muscles soft and tender. The calves are fed a liquid diet that is low in iron and provides little nutrition. From this treatment the calves frequently suffer from anemia, diarrhea, and pneumonia (PETA Dairy 5). After just a few months the calves are taken to the slaughterhouse and killed (PETA Dairy 6). If this isn’t something viewed upon as unethical than I’m not sure what is.
Myths of fixing your animals can stray people to think it’s not good. There are many myths out there and all of them are miss leading. One popular myth is “It's better to have one litter before spaying a female pet.”("Myths and facts," 2009). The truth is its not you might find a home for all the puppies your dog has to a home, but what happens to those puppies grow up do they get spayed? Even though they have a good home they may be bread for puppies and those puppies who don’t get homes might be taken to the pound. Some dogs have had litter and then been abandoned because they now have a new dog to love. Another popular myth is that owners say, “I don't want my male dog or cat to feel like less of a male.” ("Myths and facts," 2009). Your pets do not know there sexual identity, once they have been fix they do not act any different and they do not know that there any different than before. One of the last popular myths is “My pet will get fat and lazy.”("Myths and facts," 2009). They do not become fat and lazy because of the procedure they become fat and lazy because they are feed too much and then they
There are several benefits to having your own pet spayed or neutered besides helping solve this crisis. The benefits include reducing the risk of some of the most common types of cancers, making it likelier for animals to live a longer and healthier life, and nixing aggression problems. This causes animals mark their territory with strong-scented urine. And contray to common
Robert Gonzales, from Bakersfield, seemed like an average, ordinary man. One night however, he was accused of splashing beach on a small dog, and wrapping the dog’s mouth with duct tape. His goal was to discipline the dog. Gonzales was caught and arrested for abusing the animal. Animal abuse is an occurring problem in the U.S. But can be prevented if we take action.
Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of animals. Treating pets is one of the most profitable fields in veterinary medicine. The proper vaccination of animals and the diagnosis of diseases are part of a veterinarian’s duties.
The social anathema which is animal cruelty has perspired for too long a time. Elephants deserve to roam the forests and Savannahs freely instead of being killed and the later mutilated for their brilliant tusks. It has also been verified that many “elephants that perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies (” Elephants are not the only animal treated in this fashion. Furthermore, the beautiful and majestic stallion belongs on the open prairie and not locked away in a 6x4 cage, dying from starvation and thirst. Elephants and stallions are only two animals out of the thousands that are negatively affected by people. Together, we have to be the voice for the