
Spaying And Neutering Essay

Decent Essays

The two sources I used in the last research summary were scientific resources because my topic has a scientific background. Both of them provided information on the history of the topic and went into great detail on facts about spaying and neutering. Both are the articles I used had similar information pertaining to the subject of spaying and neutering. In the first one, The History of Spaying and Neutering Animals it provided a few statistics about the overpopulation of pets, such as there were 300,000 homeless pets. In the other article, Pediatric Spay/Neuter, it specifically talked about spaying and neutering animals while they’re extremely young. Although both of the articles were on the same topic, they shed light on spaying and neutering as a whole with specific topics in between. Now that I researched the history of spaying and neutering, there are many pros and cons that have been recognized by many. …show more content…

In both of the articles, Spaying Your Female Dog- Pros and Cons and Neutering Your Male Dog- Pros and Cons, it mentions that one major disadvantage for spaying and neutering is that it increases the risk of hemangiosarcoma, which is a deadly form of cancer. This type of cancer attacks the heart and spleen in the animal’s body. In other words, while some types of cancer are prevented, some may come up. Also, it can cause hypothyroidism because it affects the endocrine system. Although it can be treated by medication, it still stressful for the dog and owner. Of course all surgeries are potentially dangerous and complications can pop up at any time. There could be internal bleeding, a bad reaction to the medicine given before or after surgery, inflammation, etc. In both spaying and neutering, the procedure has to be done at the perfect time, not too early and not too late, or it could cause hip dysplasia and bone

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