
Sophie's Enitre Personality

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Sophie’s enitre personality is shadow by her conception through rape. It is like no matter where she goes, or what path she takes she will always deal with this situation. Children who are concieved through rape have to deal with a traumatic legacy that drives the direction of where their lives are going in regards to relationships and adulthood. This is why she carries a sense of low-self esteem throughout the first three parts of the novel. This all goes back to the actions of this unname father who genes will forever be apart of Sophie, so she cannot shed this part of her life. The purging can be seen as her trying to get rid of her father’s traits. During a study by the Univerisity of Zurich that involve 4262 found that fathers who took a active role rather than a passive one had fewer signs of chronic stress. They also found that blended and nonbiological fathers do not help with the how the children develop (Waldvogel, pp.11, 2016).
He also shows signs of abandonment because he does not want to be far from his family. He resents his mother for senting him away with relatives. These feelings that are linked to low-self esteem and …show more content…

He comments that there is a drift that happens between him and his mother. The mother as aresult of the father’s absence has to work in factory that produces chocolate. Yunior take on this is “We could never get Mami to do anything after work, even cook dinner, she didn’t want to hear about our problems,” (Diaz, pp.73, 1996). The family disruption is causing the mother and son have communication issues, which making Yunior have feelings of forlorn. He thinks that his mother is ignoring, when in reality she is does not have the energy to be a mother and worker. This is why the absence of the father is detrimel to Yunior. Rocio G. Davis explains there is irony that the mobility of the father causes the families immobility,” (Davis, pp.175,

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