
Sonography Research Paper

Decent Essays

Often times we may ignore the signs our body is trying to tell us. Mainly due to fear of the unknown. Our kidneys play an important role in our body. They are used to filter out waste through urination. There are many exams that physicians use to help diagnose renal failure and there are some less commonly used because they have no effect of diagnosis of renal failure. Ultra- sounds are the number one imaging modality to help in diagnosing renal failure and angiography of the kidney is the least used imaging modality. In order to prevent our body from shutting down it is imperative we pay attention to the signs of what our body is trying to tell us. Kidneys are a vital organ because they help our bodies eliminate waste. They filter …show more content…

This will also help exclude bilateral obstructions in high risk patients. Sonography has the ability to use Doppler, which aids in assessing renal perfusion. This procedure is non-invasive, does not use radiation, or contrast. There is less long term effects that may affect the patient later on down the road. The technologists have the ability to see blood flow of the kidney. This imaging modality has the capability of detecting cysts, obstructions, fluid collection by using sound waves. With many patients having allergies to contrast, having claustrophobia by being in a MRI or possibly a CT, this modality allows the patient to be comfortable without any fears. There are some factors which can affect the diagnosis such as obesity, barium in the intestines from a previous barium study, and intestinal gas (Hopkins, 2018). Sonography seems to be the best way to go when it comes to diagnosing a patient with renal failure. The ability to determine fluid, abscesses, shape, location, and size of organs seems to best way to help protecting patients from radiation damage and contrast allergies. Kidneys are an important part of life, it is imperative we do what is needed to make sure they are functioning to keep us …show more content…

They are useful when a patient has abdominal pain and in establishing the size of a kidney stone. They may also help when it comes to masses or obstructions. These x-rays are 1D images and are not able to diagnose if a kidney is in failure or not (, 2018). Renal angiograms are the lease used study when it comes to renal failure. This study is used to look at blood vessels in the kidneys and used to help determine if there is an aneurysm or stenosis. Not to mention injecting contrast into a patient for an angio study, who is in renal failure may not be the best. This study not only aids in the discovery of stenosis or aneurysms, but it helps with vasospasms, thrombosis, occlusions, tumors, hemorrhage, and complications from a kidney transplant. These two studies are rated number two for the helping with diagnosing renal failure (, 2018). While these two studies are good for many other things it is not for diagnosing renal failure. This should be done with those modalities who have more to offer than these

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