
Ultrasonography Analysis

Decent Essays

Ultrasonography is an imaging modality that gives way to seeing within the human body and the structures that inhabit it. One main interest of ultrasound would be to visualize internal organs–such as the kidneys—and measure the dimensions they possess in order to understand more about them. Kidneys are retroperitoneal organs that appear as bean-shaped structures in the abdomen. Kidneys aid in systemic responsibilities such as the following: “to regulate blood pressure, to maintain levels of electrolytes, and to prevent buildup of wastes and extra fluid in the body” (Young, 2015). The parameters of kidneys on ultrasound can tell a lot about each kidney’s structure and function, if any. Renal ultrasound exams are important in clinical use because “in many renal disorders, it is known that there is a close relationship between renal size and its function” (Arooj, 2011). For instance, a kidney …show more content…

Therefore, it is “important that sonographic renal length measurements are consistent, both for replicate measurements by a single ulrasonographer and by different sonographers” (Ablett, 1995). There is a basis on which measurements are to be carried out when conducting these examinations. Each kidney will be measured in two planes in order to determine the kidney’s parameters. However, each ultrasonographer has his or her way of conducting kidney measurements that may be slightly different from another sonographer. One would like to know if the difference, if any, between the dimensions acquired by separate sonographers is large enough to change the outcome. Through observation, one would like to better understand why the need for accurate reproducibility is needed in sonography. This will be beneficial to one as a future sonographer in regards to being the most efficient with each patient that comes along; one incorrect measurement could be detrimental to a patient’s

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