Solitary kidney (SK) is a congenital or acquired condition characterized by a functional or anatomical absence of the controlateral kidney [1].
Defects in kidney development are part of the Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT).1 CAKUT include several clinical entities, from complete renal agenesis to hypodysplasia or renal dysplasia.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical course and the long-term outcome of children with SK.
We retrospectively evaluated 209 children affected by SK followed in our center in the last 20 years (1998 – 2017), 150 males (71.7%) and 59 females (28.2%). All patients were subjected to urine exam, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), cystatin C, ultrasound monitoring, sequential
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Out of a total of 209, 52 patients (24.8%), 39 males and 13 females, had complex single kidney.
Contralateral kidney compensatory hypertrophy was found in 184/209 patients (88%). 6/209 (2.87%) of the total had associated syndromes or delay of neurologic development.
Two children (0.9%) have a glomerular filtrate reduced compared to the lower limit expected for ages. In 4/209 pz (1.9%) proteinuria (100 mg/dl) was found in the urinary sediment. Systolic blood pressure values greater than 95 C for ages were found in 3 patient (1.4%). Only 17/209 children (8.1%) developed recurrent urinary tract infections. We found no malignant degeneration.
Most children with SK are in good health [1]. In cases of uncomplicated solitary kidney, natural history shows a favorable prognosis [2] and there is no indication of nephrectomy [1] unless is present a dysplastic kidney with a size that can cause significant abdominal pain in the post-natal period. VCUG is no longer a recommended instrumental study for all patients with SK [3] and should only be performed in selected cases. Follow-up should be performed with renal function monitoring, urinary tract examination, arterial blood pressure control [4] and ultrasound evaluation once a year and more rigorously in patients with complex SK who had a higher risk of develop urinary
Nephrotic Syndrome, is when there is an increased in glomerular basement membrane permeability. This causes an excess loss of protein in the urine known as proteinuria. Congenital, idiopathic and secondary are forms of Nephrotic syndrome. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is rare, can be inherited and usually occur in Finnish families. Nephrotic syndrome is consider secondary if it occurs secondary to diseases like diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, or Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, also known as minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) occurs mostly in kids with 70% occurring in kid 5 years old and younger. This paper will be focusing on MCNS (Kyle & Carman, 2013).
In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, innocent lives were taken in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. Many couldn’t forgive themselves or forgive others, while others suffered their consequences and sentenced to death with regret, but for John Proctor it was different. He wanted to make things right for his wife Elizabeth Proctor and his kids, but most importantly, he wanted to make things right for himself. When a crisis gets to its worst point and his wife is accused of witchcraft he has to choose what is right for the sake of life and forgiveness.
Maine Nephrology follows the vision of The National Kidney Foundation which was established in 1950 by Ada DeBold in an effort to save the life of her young son. As a small child, he was diagnosed with pediatric nephrosis, a disease that causes the kidney to lose protein and in turn the body develops swelling. In the 1950’s this disease was debilitating and had more than a ninety percent mortality rate. In an effort to find a cure, a group of clinicians and researchers were put together to share their findings to develop
Discussion Post Week Ten NURS6541, N-11 Children will present with a variety of genitourinary disorders. As an advanced practice nurse (APN), one must be able to differentiate between these various disorders to determine the appropriate action plan and treatment. The purpose of this discussion is to identify the primary diagnosis for my case study by including the unique characteristics of the disorder. I will explain a treatment and management plan and state education strategies for the patient and family. Case study two is Mark.
Most urologists do surgically repair many congenital anomalies in children, but the more complex problems are often referred to urologists with specialized training in pediatric urology. The importance of urologic problems seen primarily in women (stress urinary incontinence, interstitial cystitis, urethral diverticula, etc. is being increasingly recognized. The diagnosis and therapy of urinary incontinence constitute a significant portion of most urology practices. New therapies, both surgical and non-surgical, are being constantly developed every day.
The diagnosis of the disease, its cause or causes, stage, treatment and prognosis will be sought from the pediatrician. He establishes and explains the connection between the disease and the patient's family history. He prescribes appropriate medicines and medications to alleviate the patient's symptoms. The moral principles surrounding the couple's decision concerning the disease are contributed by the ethicist. He warns against the double-effect situation in this disease condition. He emphasizes that birth defects
On urodynamics she demonstrated a stable filling with no evidence of detrusor overactivity. Her sensation was normal. Her bladder capacity was approximately 260 mL which is consistent with her voiding diary. With cough and provocative manoeuvres we were unable to demonstrate stress incontinence, this was performed at 150 mL as well as 250 mL of bladder volume. Her compliance was normal at maximum capacity.
US abnormalities: Its diagnosis is based initially on anhydramnios at 16 weeks’ gestation, nonvisualization of renal structures bilaterally, with a persistently empty urinary bladder.
Overactive bladder affects the nerve signals between your child's bladder and brain. The bladder may get the signal to empty before it is full. Very sensitive muscles can also make your child's bladder contract
A boy was born with this syndrome and had to be put on dialysis one year after being born for 10 hours every day for two years.
Mian Muhammad Mansha a Pakistani entrepreneur once said “Terrorism is partly linked to people who have no jobs in Pakistan.” Rural regions with a dearth amount of education are later on coerced into the Taliban, because of the lack of jobs available for the extent of education the population has. Three Cups of Tea, co-written by Dr. Greg Mortenson and David Relin shows Mortenson's personal journeys with building schools in Pakistan, which prevented young Pakistani males from joining the terrorist groups. The author writes in elements that makes society aware of the harsh conditions Pakistani children go through, to go to school. He uses credibility, factual, and emotionally arousing elements to make the audience sympathize for the kids that are in poverty.
Polycystic kidney disease is passed through inheritance to generations. In US the rate of this disease is more. It affects both men, women, and even the animals as we studied above.
Mr. Armstrong has a history of renal insufficiency and uncontrolled hypertension, along with symptoms of fatigue, pedal edema, and occasional shortness of breath. He does not have a history of trauma or obstruction to his kidneys, but his creatinine and BUN levels are currently at 3.5 mg/dl and 40 mg/dl. Normal creatinine concentration values are 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dl and normal BUN values are 10 to 20 mg/dl; this reveals that Mr. Armstrong’s kidneys are not removing wastes properly (McCance, Huether, Brashers, & Rote, 2014). Mr. Armstrong’s history of renal insufficiency and uncontrolled hypertension is commonly found in patients diagnosed with intrarenal (intrinsic) acute renal failure. Intrarenal acute renal failure can be categorized as
In November of 2015 I was told I needed a surgery to correct a malformation of my kidneys. The doctor explained that when I was developing in my mothers womb two kidneys formed on my right side. I worried as to what problems it could cause to have a non-functioning duplicated kidney. I was told that without intervention it could be possible to have several bladder infections that would damage my kidneys. I would also have trouble in the future if I decided to want to have children. What worried me most was having damage on my kidneys as it could mean that my kidney or both would stop working for which many people died. I had a small "surgery" in which a small camera was inserted into my bladder up to the kidneys to understand how exactly they
Although people believe people have finally stopped classing people in social classes people still subconsciously classify themselves and other’s in these classes that people believe people have gotten rid of. One may think that the poor are represented and treated well; however, in reality people represent the poor as people that do not have a full life and people who do not have values. Moreover, people put honesty and integrity into the rich, and do not trust the poor and believe that anything bad or negative was caused by them. Poor people are usually more likely than others to share among the people between them. For example, poor people are willing to share