
Informative Speech On Organ Donation

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Did you know that 121,678 people are currently on lifesaving organ transplant lists and of that 121,678 people, 100,791 of them await kidney transplants?
Stated in the Organ Donation and Transplantation statistics, thirteen people every day die waiting for that lifesaving kidney transplant. Thirteen people.
While waiting for a kidney transplant, there were 4,761 patients that passed in 2014.
Another 3,668 became too sick to be eligible for the transplant surgery.
Prune Belly Syndrome, is a serious birth defect that causes your kidneys to fail.
A boy was born with this syndrome and had to be put on dialysis one year after being born for 10 hours every day for two years.
When the boy was three years old, he received a kidney donation from …show more content…

Through this program, donors and recipients are matched by blood and tissue type and ran through the system.
The more time spent on the transplant list, the more of a chance that a patient will receive a transplantation.
This part of the system works well, the more severe a patient’s disease the more likely they will receive the transplant that they need but if we had more donors patients would not get to the point where they will die without a transplant soon.
There just aren’t enough organs to go around from the donor list.
The problem with the current system of the United States transplant service is simple.
There just isn’t enough people willing to donate their kidney and not be given anything in return for the time that they took to donate a part of them.
According to the Organ Donation and Transplantation Statistics, every month there are more than 3,000 patients that are being added to the kidney transplant list.
Out of the 100,000 people on the kidney transplant list as of January 11th, 2016, only 17,000 kidney transplants took place.
Around 11,500 of those transplants, the kidneys came from deceased donors and approximately 5,500 came from living donors.
It’s not as though the other 83,000 patients will just magically get kidneys just for just being on the waitlist.
No, they have to wait until someone feels generous or even dies to get the one thing that everyone is given two of at birth and only

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