
Sojourner Truth: A Strong Courageous Woman

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Sojourner Truth was a strong, courageous woman. First, Sojourner Truth was a slave that was worked like a man. Next, Sojourner had thirteen children, and they were all sold into slavery right after they were born. Lastly, while Sojourner was a slave, she was brutally beaten and treated horribly. All in all, Sojourner Truth was a strong, courageous woman. Sojourner Truth had a difficult life. She was owned by John Dumont who Sojourner described as “harsh and violent.” She was put to work everyday from dawn to dusk, doing many difficult tasks. Many of the jobs she did were the jobs that most men of the household would do. In 1815, fell in love with a slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. The two had a daughter, Diana. Sojourner’s owner

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