
Sodium Chloride Lab

Satisfactory Essays

Sodium Chloride is added to the ice to lower the melting point of the ice, which is called ionic dissociation. The sodium chloride is added to the ice in the larger bag in order to keep the dissolving ice from becoming room temperature. Sodium chloride keeps the ice/ slush at a low temperature that allows the ice/slush to start chilling the cream and milk which is located in the smaller bag. The freezing point drops to about -10 degrees Celsius. This allowed the ice/ slush to remain cold at a low temperature. The sodium chloride prevents hydrogen bonds and keeps the water molecules solid. This is called freezing point depression. This is one of the colligative properties of science. Without the temperature dropping, the ice/ slush would not remain cold and crystals would not be able to form in the smaller bag. The crystals create the ice cream’s texture. The solution with the sodium chloride interferes with the production of crystals. The heat …show more content…

Then, when about 8 minutes passed, the ice became mostly slush and water. I felt that it was still at a cold temperature. I noticed how larger crystals were forming in the bag with the milk and cream. It had a thick texture. The sodium chloride kept the ice/ slush cold in order to freeze the milk and cream in the bag. I noticed how cold the bag became when more salt was added. The salt, when put in the bag, sped up the speed of the reaction occurring. I felt the bag become increasingly colder and even when we put a towel on the bag, this did not affect the reaction. The heat the towel gave off was not enough to slow down the reaction occurring. The ice cream froze evenly for the most part. When my group took the small bag out that contained the milk and cream, I could see the very large crystals that formed during the reaction. Since they were large crystals, the ice cream did not melt quickly when I was enjoying

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