
Socrates Questions

Decent Essays

“An unexamined life is not worth living,” these words spoken from ancient times from a Greek philosopher and his name was Socrates. Socrates set unlikable thinking for many people of his time by questioning what is life, and almost everything else about the human experience,as he believed the only way to achieve the truth is by asking the simple yet impossible questions.

Socrates would start by asking a simple question to a person like “what is virtue?” and as he gets an answer from the person he would ask a question about the given answer until the person being asked finds he/she didn't know the answer to what seemed such an simple question. This brought much dislike to many people of his time, as asked questions that people thought they knew the answer too they would start to think why did I think that, and why has my society made me think this, and why is there no real answer. Because he made many people question not only themselves but what they as society did and that created many people to rethink and question everything in their lives and why they should keep doing so. Socrates himself admitted that he was ignorant, but he became the wisest of all men through this self-knowledge. He said “like an empty cup he was open to receive the waters …show more content…

I think that was the reason though why he was his prized student as he questioned his teacher and that was his way to find answers. While his other classmate Plato was separating the ever-changing phenomenal world from the true and eternal ideal reality, Aristotle suggested that the ideal is found “inside” the phenomena, the universals “inside” the particulars. Aristotle was much more into the science explanation of life, and he came up with four questions that he found to answer many things and they were “1. The material cause: what something is made

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