
Socioeconomic Status And Children Behaviour Essay

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Socioeconomic Status and Children Behaviour


In popular media its common to see children being influenced by many things around them, including what kind of environment they are grown up in. Socioeconomic status can be a huge influence on a child’s upbringing, in either a positive or negative way. A high socioeconomic status produces a better child according to most people because they have factors that include; social connections, good employment, and a happy family. These are the types of factors that will definitely reduce a child from engaging in violent behaviour as he/she gets older. A low socioeconomic status affects the child in a negative way and the likelihood of committing a violent crime is increased, due to factors such as child abuse, anger, weak social ties. Why? It is these two variables that will be discussed in the report how one affects another so social researchers can explain why this occurs in communities.

Article 1:
This article looks at the risk factors and risk based and interactive protective factors related to violent behaviour in a child’s future. Risk factors are predictors that an individual or group will engage in more criminal behaviour, and protective factors are thought to mitigate the impact of risk factors on later results (Sheryl A. Hemphill, et al., 2016). This longitudinal study was gathered in Victoria, Australia, and their target participants were children between the ages of 10-11, and then followed all the way

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