
Sociocultural Assessment

Decent Essays

The article Principles and Practices of Sociocultural Assessment: Foundations for Effective Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, is written to inform the readers about different types of practices that teachers can take into action when working with ESL students. In this article, it mentions how different principals help to accommodate the ESL students. One of the principals that was mentioned was is that learning is social. In the article, it was mentioned that learning is social because it helps students to understand and use interaction with others to share meaning in a social setting (Smith, Teemant, & Pinnegar, 2004, P. 39). In the article, another principal that helps ESL students is that teaching is assisting. The meaning …show more content…

Feedback is very important when it comes to English language learners because it helps to guide students in the right direct of their learning experience. ELL need every guidance that they can receive since they are not familiar with things. Feedback can help build students confidence. ELL students will learn faster if they are told what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are on each topic. This will help them to modify their learning strategies if they become aware they need to build on or what they are doing correctly. According to Hermann, it was mentioned that when teachers give descriptive feedback it shows students specific learning goals (Herrmann, 2014). It also helps English language learners recognize their strengths and the different areas that they need improvement in (Herrmann, 2014). This Is important since when it comes to English language learners we need to make sure that they are progressing. By using feedback as an assessment teachers will be able to see their English language learners …show more content…

Content is very important when it comes to in assessment. This is very important for ELL since teachers need to make sure that they are providing materials that help to see the demonstrating of students understanding. Assessments are importance because it helps to see whether the goals that are set are being meet or not. Teachers want to make sure that the content will help them make meaningful decisions. The importance of content is making sure that the correct implications are being meant. It was stated assessments are used to measure classification, promotion, or classification (Abedi, & Levine, 2013, P. 26). Therefore, it is important to make sure that teachers are assessing students for a significant outcome. When ELL students are being assessed it is important to present students with linguistic support (Abedi, & Levine, 2013, P. 27). Overall teachers need to make sure that they are assessing the ELL students since the ELL students are not familiar with the English

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