
Society Starts At Home By Bonnie Fellhoelter

Decent Essays

Society Starts at home
What is wrong with people in America more specifically kids in America? Why are they so spoiled and entitled? Well it’s all mom’s fault! According to Bonnie Fellhoelter in her paper she states that “during the 1960’s women wanted more rights, power, and the ability to get higher paying jobs”. As a result of being granted those rights “women who sought employment, their children were left to the care of babysitters and day care workers”. Before the 1960’s men typically were put in the role of making money for the family as the wife has been expected to stay home and take care of the house, kids, animals and anything else that is around the house. Bonnie writes that since society had redefined the role of a mother that …show more content…

Day care and babysitters don’t have the emotional and physical investment that a mother or father has. That being said each and every family is different and each situation in unique. Some parents don’t care about what their kids learn or even what they do, so the day care or the babysitter may actually be a better environment for the kid(s). So why is a mom so important? A mother being there at the house can curb the aggression that is evident in day care centers according to Bonnie. Bonnie uses a statement from “Working Mothers Are Harming the Family” by Richard Lowry which “According to a non-partisan Public Agenda survey in
2000, roughly 80 percent of parents with children five and younger say a stay-at-home parent is best able to give children the “affection and attention they need.”” Even what Lowry says is a stay-at-home parent is what is needed not just a mom. What Bonnie keeps saying is that if your kid has a home life without a parent at home to correct attitude issues or other behaviors then they are more likely going to grow up to be disrespectful to others and even have lazy with their work …show more content…

Now Bonnie doesn’t really have an age group she is talking about. She references day care and babysitters so the age group seems to be toddlers. If that is the age group that she is talking about they what happens when they get school age. Unless you homeschool then really what does it matter if the parent stays at home or not. The parent can be home when the child wakes up and also when they get home from school. The most important thing in teaching your kid what society wants is just to be there for your kid. If they are at school then how are you going to make a difference in their lives so society can be

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