
Fun Home By Alison Bechdel

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In Alison Bechdel 's Fun Home, there is a focus on a sculpted perception of gender roles produced by society and a great emphasis on how Bruce and Alison challenge these strict gender specific characteristics. Through Bruce’s femininity and Alison’s masculinity along with their homosexuality, they are able to go against the norms and the collection of rules set by society. It is also through their struggle with gender roles that one is able to understand their sexual orientation. Although Bruce and Alison seem fairly different from one another, there are elements that pull them closer together revealing their similarities.
Throughout the book, Bruce and Alison both struggle with the concept of gender roles. For Bruce, he displays more of a feminine side going against the typical masculine male. Bruce’s preference for fashion and beauty shines a light on his femininity. Because of this, it becomes clear to Alison that her father is a “big sissy” (97). While most men gravitate towards sports, Bruce’s interest is more towards gardening. For instance, Bruce and his children play baseball in their yard, but as soon as the ball rolls towards the flowers, his attention instantly becomes “lost” (91) within the plants. During Alison’s childhood, Bruce is always one to fix her hair and dictate her outfits; Aspects that are dominantly feminine. While Bruce tries his best to mask this trait about himself, it is through Alison that he is able to openly “express” (98) a feminine side

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