
Society Is Being Ruined By The Power Of Technology

Decent Essays

Imagine our generation without technology. How would you feel? What would you do? Would you be “lost” without it? Well, i think technology these days has overpowered us. It's become a part of our everyday life. I am choosing to go against technology because it’s a distraction to people everyday and every moment of the day. For example, when you wake up pin the morning, what is one of the first things you do? Check instagram? Snapchat? See how many hearts or likes you got on your last post? It's become such a normal action to do that you don't even notice you're doing anything with technology. Some people even come shy of meeting new people face to face because most of the time, we are hiding behind our devices. We use our cell phone, video chat, or messaging to communicate with people that are far away or even near us. There's a good and bad consequences to that. One good thing could be to talk to your family and friends that are far away to see how they are doing. And one bad thing could be to hide behind your device and cyber bully someone to the point where they themselves don't want to do anything. Society is being corrupted by the power of technology. On the other hand, people may say that technology is a good source to have and be able …show more content…

If they aren’t on their phone looking at social media or something, they’re either listening to music or talking to someone. Another way technology is corrupting our society is with that new game Pokemon Go. That game has people running all over the creation to find all the pokemon. It has become so much of a distraction that some people quit their job looking for them. Some people even got hurt. Our society has become so reliant on technology that according to Mother Nature Network, if the internet is down at some businesses, work is over for the

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