When I think back, Social Work was one of the options of becoming in the future. My knowledge of social work was only to a minimum, which makes it unusual for me to even have a speck of interest. I believe it was the idea of helping others that caught my interest, which I am truly passionate about. Watching Katie Richards talk about her work, you can determine how passionate she is at her job, she gave a brief info on social, but more on programs that she helped on her way to becoming a social worker. Mrs. Richards gave some info on how social workers work out in the residential area, which did confuse me at first. When thinking of a social worker, I think of a young woman in the office waiting for patients. I think I had the idea of her being like a psychology, which I considered at first to be the same just with a different name. What did get me interested was the quote she had on her presentation, “In your life span, you will do many different things”. Though …show more content…
However, Mrs. Richards was able to make me reassure that working as a social worker is fun, particularly when working with other like children and older adults. At the same time, I was taken back when I saw the Universities she attended. I was uncertain if she went to school as a choice or it was required to becoming a social worker. When I was younger, I saw myself in an office dressed professionally. However, I cannot visualize myself working as a social work. I have no dislike toward the career, I just don’t have sufficient information to get me into thinking about it. I felt as if I was given a quick fun fact, it has been fun to learn just not the correct information needed. The intent to help people did make me want to look more into a social worker, However, after 4 years in a high school that was based on Health, Science and Technology, I felt I was better if I got Into General
Social work is a career that finds and chooses you, rather than you selecting it. Social work has always been an immense portion of my life even when I had no recollection of what social work entailed. My life revolved around so many situations that had a social worker stepped in, my life would be totally different than it is today. Many individuals and agencies lack the compassion and empathy for oppressed people. Having been in many circumstances, has given me the experience and background that influenced me to go into social work, as well as the understanding of my role and responsibilities that I will assume as a professional social worker, and my reasons for selecting the program at ASU School of Social Work and thoughts on how the Mission Statement addresses my career goals.
I believe social work is a passion and is consistent with my personality traits: loyalty, commitment, and personal servitude. This passion coupled with the forthcoming skills gained from an MSW degree at Florida International University, I will have the honor of becoming a professional social worker with unlimited possibilities to advocate, provide direct services or lead an organization-all of which will lead to my ultimate goal of positively affecting the lives of vulnerable people. FIU offers a quality, high-intensity program that will surely equip me with the tools to do this great profession and act of public service
There are several goals that I hope to achieve by pursuing a graduate degree in Social Work. Pursuing a MSW will provide me with the knowledge, tools, and skills-set that will be fundamental to the achievement my career goals outlined below.
Working in the social services field was always my dream. Whether working with children, family, adults, elderly etc. this career path is so broad it instills the hope of a career opportunity. My first year working in this field was in 2010 when I interned as an intake specialist in an outpatient drug treatment facility, while completing my bachelor’s degree in human services. Thereafter, I was able to branch off in various areas such as a case manager at a domestic violence shelter, housing specialist, substance abuse counselor and now a family services specialist.
My passion for social work originated in my senior year of undergraduate school. During my senior, year my single, adoptive mother had passed. A couple of months following her death, I found myself homeless. I had just turned 18 and I was a jobless high school student sleeping from couch to couch. During this time of my life there was one individual who supported me. The high school social worker was a strong support for me. I didn’t have any family support and thus fell on hard times. A college professor once told me that people who choose social work as a major do it because that had someone in their life who influenced them to become a social worker. If that person wasn’t in my life, my personal growth would have differed completely. It was at this point that I realized it only takes one caring individual to hugely impact someone 's life for the better. To be that person to someone else is my highest aspiration in life.
Social work involves passionate individuals who are dedicated to helping others by providing services to vulnerable children, families or individuals in need, while constantly looking for ways in which we can improve society. This discipline is dedicated to helping people find solutions to their problems in order to make the world a better place. I chose this field of study, because I find the job of a social worker rewarding. I have always enjoyed helping others and knowing that I have made a difference in someone’s life. It is no secret that this is a challenging career; however, the feeling of knowing that you made the world a better place is indescribable. I have simply decided to make my passion of helping others into a career. I know that in order to make my passion a career I will need to get the best education and training possible.
I can say that being a social worker was never in my plans. I started from Liberal Arts, because I wasn’t decided on my career choice. I took almost all courses, when I got an advice from one of my friends to try Health Information Technology. I gave it a chance and I didn’t realize how time flied by and I graduated. My dream always was to work with children. When I graduated and took my internship, that was the time, when I understood that I made the wrong choice. I needed to search for another career, because I understood, that it would not be what I meant. My father is physical therapist and he gave me and advice to think and to do some research about Social Worker. This time, I did the most research that I could, in order to not repeat my mistake again. I instantly knew, that this what I needed. All over the world, there is and will always be abuse. That’s the reality of it, but now I’m studying for Social Worker here at Lehman College, because I would like to be working toward changing a child’s reality one day, I am changing my knowledge every time I come to class, and changing my life one step at a time. I believe that it all starts with me, and while I may not be able to save the whole world, I will be able to save and help at least small part of it. I currently work in the family practice as a receptionist. My best days are those when I able to help people and provide them with all the information needed. Every day is different.
Social Work is a specialized profession that provides counseling, assessment, intervention and support services to individuals, families, couples and communities who are dealing with psychosocial issues or require assistance obtaining social and health services. The practice of social work is guided by knowledge of social systems, human behavior and social resources, and is strictly regulated to protect the health, safety and welfare of people. I would love to have a career in social work. I was not sure on the career field I wanted to be in, but has I research more and conducted interviews in this field , I’m sure of where I want to be. Though I had the basic knowledge about the profession in social work, doing more research I came to a conclusion that seeking a career in this field is best for me. A Social worker is more than just a professional that helps people, but they also improve lives. The thought of helping people/children delight me in such a way that being in this field will bring me a rewarding feeling. I have always been the person who will listen, observe, and take note of one’s behavior as well as showing love and concern to a situation. I will give the best advice possible as well as encourage the person on the best solution to a problem. Though faced with confusion deciding the best career field to pursue in, social work seem to fit my personality and my purpose. Everyone has a purpose in life, and I believe mind is to help people especially
There are so many career path options. What is good for one, is not always good for all. I have been contemplating many different options and I have finally chosen one. The career path I have chosen is to take the summer off and work at home doing day care. Then return to Argosy University in September, to start my bachelor’s degree in psychology with a concentration on child adolescents. During which, I will volunteer with a local organization called the Family Promise of Green County. Finally I will graduate with my bachelor’s degree in 2018 and get a job in Green County Human Services as a social worker. I have chosen this path because it suits my educational needs and balances my family and work needs. My only concern is not having the face to face communication, which I believe is important in the preparation of a psychology degree. However, by taking a volunteer position with the Family Promise Organization of Green County, I hope to get this experience. This paper will identify my skills and experiences needed for this path along with the skills and experiences I already have. Additionally, I will identify my strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, I will create a plan for meeting these goals and gaining these skills and experiences.
As I got older those thoughts were always on my mind. It wasn’t until I took a sociology class my senior year in high school that I learned about social work and its role in serving those in need. Learning about social welfare programs brought back all my memories and reassured me there were careers that fit my aspirations. At Glendale College I took more Sociology courses and found it to be a perfect fit for me. My favorite class was Introduction to Social Work since it introduced me to different sub fields within social work, working with homeless, distressed and low incomed families.
For a majority of my life, I wanted to be a pediatrician when I grew up. I had wanted to be a pediatrician due to my passion to work with children, in addition to enhancing the lives of children. As I continued to grow up, I realized that science is not my strong suit and I would never survive medical school. I do not recall how I learned about the profession of social work, but around the eighth grade I have known that social work was the profession that I wanted to pursue. The idea of helping others is what initially struck me as compelling because I did not understand social work in it’s entirety, but I knew that I would relish a life of helping other individuals.
Before I knew exactly what the social work profession consisted of, I knew I wanted a career that focused on helping others. I explored options including medical and nursing fields, but they did not fit what I was destined for. It was not until I began working in a mental health office for a Licensed Independent Social Worker and a Prescribing Psychologist, that I knew the social work field was for me. It was during that job three years ago when I learned the social work profession and its core values consist of helping others achieve the best life possible with what they have. It is seeing the possibilities that others do not see and assisting individuals in navigating through them with patience and perseverance. The social work
I chose social working as my career because many other people go through tough situations and have a difficult time talking to relatives or friends to help them through a tough situation. I thought of becoming a social worker so I can have the ability to change the lives of others. Social work is one of those careers you can truly make a difference in people’s lives. I want to become a social worker because life isn’t about just helping yourself it’s about helping others as well, which is what social workers do for a living. Child and family social workers protect children and families in need of assistance. Many families and children don’t feel comfortable talking to just anyone about obstacles they have faced in their lives which is why
My vision of the social work field is being able to help people in need and being the person that people can look back on and remember as a huge help in time of need. I think my core values and beliefs will help me be an effective social worker and help me succeed in this field. It is in my belief that a person should never be knocked down when they are going through hardships, and rather empowering them. I also believe that not everyone could be a social worker because it takes a certain kind of empathetic and self-aware person. I truly believe that my upbringing has humbled me to understand and not be judgmental of people’s issues since I’ve seen a lot in my short twenty-one years.
Every worthwhile journey begins with one step. My social work journey began when I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Utah in 2003. I thought my next step would be to immediately pursue a graduate degree. In my undergraduate career I had taken numerous classes from the College of Social and Behavioral Science and had done well in those classes. In my Social Work as a Profession course I had an assignment to shadow a social worker and write a paper about my experience. I chose to shadow my father-in-law, a social worker with over 30 years of experience, and in my paper I expressed my desire to go into the social work field. I knew I liked helping people. I knew I liked problem solving and critical thinking. I thought my 22 year-old self was ready to embark on that journey, but I wasn’t. I realize now that what I lacked at graduation was one crucial step… perspective. Over the past twelve years I have gained that much needed perspective and have taken many steps forward in my journey, and with those steps and that increased perspective, I now feel more fully prepared to begin my social work career.