
Social Worker Future

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When I think back, Social Work was one of the options of becoming in the future. My knowledge of social work was only to a minimum, which makes it unusual for me to even have a speck of interest. I believe it was the idea of helping others that caught my interest, which I am truly passionate about. Watching Katie Richards talk about her work, you can determine how passionate she is at her job, she gave a brief info on social, but more on programs that she helped on her way to becoming a social worker. Mrs. Richards gave some info on how social workers work out in the residential area, which did confuse me at first. When thinking of a social worker, I think of a young woman in the office waiting for patients. I think I had the idea of her being like a psychology, which I considered at first to be the same just with a different name. What did get me interested was the quote she had on her presentation, “In your life span, you will do many different things”. Though …show more content…

However, Mrs. Richards was able to make me reassure that working as a social worker is fun, particularly when working with other like children and older adults. At the same time, I was taken back when I saw the Universities she attended. I was uncertain if she went to school as a choice or it was required to becoming a social worker. When I was younger, I saw myself in an office dressed professionally. However, I cannot visualize myself working as a social work. I have no dislike toward the career, I just don’t have sufficient information to get me into thinking about it. I felt as if I was given a quick fun fact, it has been fun to learn just not the correct information needed. The intent to help people did make me want to look more into a social worker, However, after 4 years in a high school that was based on Health, Science and Technology, I felt I was better if I got Into General

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