
Social Work Case Study On Foster Care

Decent Essays

I shadowed a social worker who has been qualified for 3 years, who works for a local authority in a fostering team. Most of the law relating to welfare of looked after children and assessment of foster carers is contained within the Children Act 1989, Guidance and Regulations Volume 4 Fostering Services, the Care Standards Act 2000, the Adoption and Children Act 2002, the Children Act 2004 and the Children and Young Persons Act 2008. I observed how the social worker was working towards building trustful relationships with potential foster parents and assessing their suitability. The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services Regulations 2013 requires social workers to assess a person's suitability to foster within ten working …show more content…

The interview was at clients' home with a quiet atmosphere and freedom from interruption. Neil scheduled sufficient time for the interview, and as far as I understood he was in good physical condition and mentally alert. He had a background report which he discussed with me and I didn't observe any prejudice from him towards potential clients. Neil acknowledged that clients were aware of the fostering process and explained the difference between fostering and Special Guardianship. He was polite, confident, showing an excellent knowledge of the subject, had a fluent grammatically correct speech without using special jargon. Neil was talking with comfortable speed, good pronunciation, making frequent pauses to let clients process the information and maintaining comfortable eye contact. After Neil asked a few open questions about clients' understanding of the Regulation, he summarised and rephrased the information several times to help clients with understanding and asked open questions again to confirm understanding and assured that clients have freedom to express their feelings. Neil then offered clients several brochures regarding Special Guardianship so clients can read through them later on and think about it one more time while he once again gave a brief description of the differences in legislations. I felt that …show more content…

The Casework Relationship was defined by Felix Biestek (1957) as 'the dynamic interaction of attitudes and emotions between the caseworker and client, with the purpose of helping the client achieve a better adjustment between himself and his environment' (p. 17). Neil managed to provide a safe environment by demonstrating consideration and acknowledging that applicants have their personal knowledge and experience and are free to share their concern. He maintained an environment of trust and respect by actively listening established non-judgemental environment indicating that he values clients, their feelings and anxieties and that he was willing to cooperate. The way Neil felt with clients emotions, tried to understand their internal needs, take into consideration their behaviour determined his empathy. This was promoting the ethical principle of the Right to Participation from the Code of Ethics for Social Work (BASW, 2014) as

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