
Social Security Is The Most Popular Government Program

Decent Essays

What Is Social Security?

Social Security is the most popular government program and touches the life of every worker in America, but most people know little or nothing about how it operates. The following discussion explains what Social Security is and how it operates.

Social Security 's Major Programs.

While most discussions focus only on Social Security 's retirement program, Social Security actually consists of three major programs, all of which are administered by the Social Security Administration. Specifically:

Retirement.Social Security 's retirement program provides a lifetime monthly income for qualified workers once they reach their full retirement age. Depending on when they were born, that age ranges from 65 to 67. The amount of retirement benefits that a worker receives depends on his or her income while working. Workers also have the option of receiving a lower monthly income starting at age 62.
Survivors. Social Security 's survivors program provides a monthly lifetime income to the surviving spouse of a deceased worker once he or she reaches retirement age. The amount of the monthly benefit depends on both spouses ' income while they were working. The survivors program also pays benefits to children under the age of 18 and the surviving spouse caring for them. Unless they are disabled, children 's benefits end when the last child either reaches age 18 or graduates from high school, whichever is later.
Disability. Social Security also pays lifetime

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