
Social Media Body Image

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The Effect of Social Media on Body Image Social media has become a part of everyone’s life. The media gives people the opportunity to communicate with families, friends and it also provides the opportunity to meet new people. Furthermore, the media gives you the opportunity to share your most intimate inner thoughts, your picture, and your activity. Nevertheless, the media has had an enormous impact on the way people do the things, and it influences how we shop and is changing the way we look. As technology advance people are begin exposed to a lot of information and in many cases that information is harmful. Social media has been the center for cyberbullying and now with the ability to use Instagram, share your picture, and see the picture …show more content…

The experiment consisted of 277 girls from grade seven. Participants were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire. The results suggest that media- internalization predate and foretells social appearance comparison, and predict body image dissatisfaction, the findings also suggested that there is a relationship between media-internalization and body dissatisfaction (Rodgers, Mclean & Paxton 2015). Authors also stated that these results are consistent with previous findings and suggest that the internalization of this idea lead to a young adult wanting to look exactly like the media ideal self (Rodgers, Mclean & Paxton …show more content…

In the experiment, authors showed women images of usual thin models, average-weight models or control images (Fister & Smith 2004). The experiment consisted of 276 Caucasian college students, researched used Caucasian women because they endorse the thin ideal most strongly. The researcher found a strong relationship between initial risk status and subsequent thinness expectancy endorsement in both the control and thin model conditions. In contrast, the women exposed to attractive regular models the union was substantially smaller (Fister & Smith 2004). They found that when exposed to average weight models women reported less internalization, and provide a positive health, learning experience by showing pretty average weight models (Fister & Smith 2004). To conclude, social media is part of everyone, it is important to address and talk about what is going on in the media. Adolescence is an important stage in everyone’s life and everything that they are expose to affects them in one way or the other. As show in the previews studies, males and females are affected by the endorsement and expose of the thin ideal. Furthermore, as showed in the past research as well exposing adolescents and young adults to average weight models could also have a positive impact on the

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