
Social Media As The X Factor Of Your Marketing Plan

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Social Media as the X factor of your marketing plan

People are more connected than ever before using Social Media. Yet, many companies insist on dealing with Social Media as an extra activity and not as integrating a vital component into the Marketing Plan. In today’s challenging business environment, many companies even fail to recognize that although a business plan talks about where to go, and a marketing plan about how to get there, is a Social Media plan what effectively guides how to connect with your customers, know them, energize them and ultimately, understand your competition.

No matter how formal or informal a Marketing Plan will describe
1) Business’ position: usually using a SWOT analysis to understand strengths, …show more content…

To support the marketing plan, a social media audit will result on knowing the company level of usage of social networks, what purpose are they currently serving, and if they are at a trial, transition or strategy level. In addition, recognizing your current online efforts will give you an idea of what your competition is making better or what opportunities are you missing. This way, you can evaluate if your product or service has a proposition of value that is relevant in both the offline and online environment.
Step 2 Using social media for a clearer picture of your target audience
One major advantage social media will give you is that your customers are already actively engaged in it, so is only about you joining the conversation, creating more conversation, and listening. Gone are those days with one simple paragraph of demographics to describe your customers. With social media, a marketer can go further by knowing where is the greater online presence of your audience, what are they saying about you, and which things are more interesting to them. Social media has also helped us to dive deeper into psychographics, which help construct personas to identify several types of buyers by looking into the behavior of the consumer at different stages throughout the purchase cycle. Furthermore, users are

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