
Social Media And Cyber Bullying

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Many people have had situations with bullies and some even being the bully themselves. With the use of social media and cellphones bullying has become worse. Not only do children deal with bullies at school but now deal with them at their own home. The behavior is repeated or can be repeated over time. With technology becoming more advanced, Cyber bullying has become the new way of bullying.It has become more easier to bully those without letting the victim know it's them. With bullying increasing it has become an increasingly worrisome health concern, as bullying has a long effect on physical and mental distress that can lead to suicide thoughts or actions. Lawmakers need to make laws to help those who are victims of bullying. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Many children in school are victims of bullying whether it is physical or mental abuse. Bullying occurs more in school amongst each other peers and outside of school as well. Bullying in the past was more physical abuse but now with technology advancing, bullying has become a mental abuse. Cyber bullying has become more popular because of how easy it is, by just having a phone or computer with internet you can send a direct message to the other person in seconds. It has a greater risk factor of suicide thoughts or action in children and teens than any other form of bullying. Many people believe that bullying is something the

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