
Social Medi The Umbilical Cord Of Our Lives

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Social Media: The Umbilical Cord of our Lives
In recent years, social networking sites have grown considerably due to the great reception between its members. Every human being wants to live in family and where they can have contact with other people (relatives and friends), and get products and services in different markets, which comes personally. The growth of population in the world and the growth of cities, far from major industries, has caused millions of people to migrate to different parts of the world, developing new notions of multiculturalism and new communication needs, which have been satisfied with the advent of the internet and globalization, because today it is possible to communicate in real time with people physically located in different parts of the world. Nowadays unlike the late 1980s and 1970s, people spend more time indoors interconnecting on social mediums like Twitter, Facebook or Google than spending it outside with friends in ultra-mural activities. Social media have impacted and still impact our lives in both a positive and a negative way. In the article “I’m So Totally, Digitally, Close to you” by Clive Thompson, we learn how privacy, labor as well as personal relations are affected by social media.
With the development of the internet, the platform has created countless websites that promote the emergence of social networking. In 2001, web sites such as Facebook emerged, whose activity was to invite friends with similar interests, who in turn

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