
Social Effects Of Ww2 Essay

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Politically, the Axis powers of Italy, Japan, and Germany were defeated by the Allies (Free France, Britain, United States, and Soviet Union). World War II brought about the creation the Atlantic Charter, which was created by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. The charter believed that the people had a right to choose their government, it denounced aggression, and it supported communal security; all this was backed by the Allies. Different territories were distributed among the victorious nations: Britain took over Greece, Soviet Union took over Bulgaria and Romania, and Britain and Greece would together manage Yugoslavia and Hungary. In 1945, Roosevelt was instrumental in the creation of the United Nations which would replace the League of Nations as a peace-keeping organization. In the summer of 1945, the Allied leaders met in Potsdam, Germany in which they gave Poland a large territory of eastern Germany, the Soviet Union was given dominance over eastern Poland, and leaders (including France) finalized terms in which they agreed to Germany being placed under a four-way occupation. Eventually, Britain and France were no longer the dominant European forces. After World War II, another conflict began to take shape: the cold war which would involve the United States and the …show more content…

People lost faith in the West’s claims that they were a civilized society; the war had wiped out values of truth and decency. Colonized folks in India, Vietnam, Algeria and elsewhere who had been forced into labor camps or the military began rebelling; they were demanding their independence. There was also the development of the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing thousands (this was in consequence of the attacks perpetrated against the Allies by

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