
Social Darwinism In Frank Norris Mcteague

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Social Darwinism is the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ so in other words, the strongest and fittest survive and flourish in society, while the weak should be allowed to die. This theory is the basis for Frank Norris's’ novel McTeague. Norris believed that whatever social class you were born in, that should be the social class that you stay in. In Frank Norris’ McTeague, couples Zerkow and Maria, and Trina and McTeague exemplify the concept of Social Darwinism as seen through the rise and the downfall of their lives. Regardless of their European descent, McTeague and Trina’s economic status changed too quickly which led them to their downfall. When Trina wins five thousand dollars playing the lottery, McTeague immediately moves up the social ladder.

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