
Social And Climate Change : The Social Issue Of Climate Change

Better Essays

The Social Issue of Climate Change

‘We are not faced with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.’ The Pope

Science has presented us with an issue that affects all of society. It changes the way we live and consume. Climate change is one of the most profound challenges ever presented to the human race. It puzzles politics, scares the economic system and overall has a catastrophic effect on the way we view what our Earth is, and what it will be. The stakes are high, the economics controversial, the risks and uncertainties are severe and the upcoming impact is devastating. It started with the science that first identified this environmental problem and now has turned into one of the biggest social issues of all time.

Climate change or global warming is the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, entering the atmosphere. Essentially the Sun’s rays enter the atmosphere and then are ‘blocked’ by these gases and prevented from leaving. The stored sun rays heat up the Earth, meaning rising sea levels because of the heated climate. Society is majorly impacted by the fatal issue and there are many views and opinions of what climate change is and what it will cause.

‘Saltwater’ is a song about Global Warming and world poverty. It describes the devastating effects of the social problem on humans and the environment. The song was released in 1991 and was performed and co-written by Julian Lennon,

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