
Soccer Is A Sport Persuasive Speech

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Soccer was a sport that no one thought would get far. Yet the game has become more popular than it has ever been before in the years. You should always try new things because you never know if you will end up liking it.Trying to get your kids to play soccer for parents hasn't been as hard as it was before, but that is because the sport has grown as the best game to play. The way to get the sport is to try it and have fun. You will see how fun it is just how I found the live for the game of soccer. My parents told me one day that I was never a fan of soccer only baseball, but they told me that I had to try it and if I didn't like I wouldn't have to play no more. Though I didn't hate it, I loved it! Since that day I haven't stop playing soccer and the funniest part is that I am not playing baseball no more.
I was about to turn 4 years of age and all I wanted to do was play baseball. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday was out with my dad and our team playing baseball games. My parents keep telling me that I had to switch sports and try something else.
“Son you have to play a sport other than baseball just in case you get tired of baseball and we think you would like playing another sport.”
“I don't like anything else I o lay like playing baseball, but I guess I will try it.” …show more content…

That night my parents informed me that I liked playing soccer so much that I asked the CIA h to have practice two times a week and they did it. After a couple weeks I keep moving up in age groups and loved playing soccer. It's was at the moment when I was 8 and I had to make a decision of playing baseball or soccer and don't get me wrong it was the hardest decision I had ever made in my life because I loved to play both. The sport I picked was soccer caused I just loved the thrill and the feeling of scoring a goal almost all the

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