
Personal Narrative: How Soccer Changed My Life

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There are more than 7 billion people on planet earth, which mean there’s a lot of growing up. Growing can be full of harsh experiences that could change a person. Everyday we go through situations that could change lives dramatically or it’s not important. It doesn't matter age or race we all go through impacting life experiences. Here are some of my own life experiences that made my opinion something that shouldn't be believed. That growing up can be a quite tough and extremely emotional. One of my most important life experiences is playing soccer. When I was 3 years old I was put on my first soccer team. Soccer is a big part of my culture and my family on my dad’s side.This sport has tons of meaning to us and everyone in my family has played soccer before. So I was …show more content…

Growing up into soccer was even harder I became aggressive and competitive to the point where all girls teams wouldn’t accept me. Then I joined a team that my younger brother was on, named the Knights. The Knights’ team was a competitive all boys team that taught me how to be a better player. Playing soccer and being on that team made me realized that I can be a great player if I give it my all. That team is one of the reasons why I want to continue playing soccer and continue doing something that I absolutely love doing. Soccer has been the best thing to me in my life. Another experience that has made a huge impact to me was and is still my best friend, Coffee. We first got this beautiful dark yellow-orange mix bread when he was a baby. My older brother named this dog Coffee. I was just a baby too, but Coffee and I had a close connection from the start. I would always go outside with him and run around with him. We would play this game where I stood in the middle of the yard and he would charge at my hands that I would put to one side of me. He would run fence to fence in a figure 8 motion. It was a lot like the bull fights but less scary

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