
Soccer Is A Sport Essay

Decent Essays


Many people believe that soccer is a sport that is not physical, but the truth is soccer is a sport that can get physical just like any other sport. Many of them dislike soccer as a sport because other athletes disrespect the game and the players. Soccer is basically a sport that calls for many physical requirements such as endurance, physical strength, and mental strength. I strongly feel that all athletes should understand and respect soccer as a physical sport.
Many athletes call soccer as a “girly sport”. However, it was men who originally started playing the sport. Soccer is incredibly dangerous. If one were to compare the injuries occurred while playing soccer to any other sport, it will definitely be on the top of the list. As a soccer player, I have gotten two concussions through the game. The first one was being slide tackled from the back and falling hard to the ground and the second was trying to head the ball but collided with another player’s head instead. I have also seen my team mates …show more content…

Physical fitness will be one of the most important aspects of soccer performance. A soccer player has to be very agile, quick, strong and coordinated. Many people compare a soccer player to another athlete to see if they both share the same attributes, but in most cases a soccer player’s physical fitness will be in top notch compared to any other athlete. Another important aspect of a soccer player will be the mental strength. A soccer player must have the ability to make an impact, commitment to improve, play making skills, understanding the game and most importantly the right attitude towards the game. During a game, there will be so many things running through a player’s head such as “what happens if I perform badly” or “what people may think if I provide a nasty challenge”. In these type of situations a control mind guide a soccer player to be mentally

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