
So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don T Want To Essay

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Have you considered a world where kids did not have to attend school? For decades it has been routine that that youth attend school and strive for excellence. But what if they could opt not to? Instead what would they do? Find a job or learn a trade? I just cannot see a society in which kids are free to choose to deny them the right of an education.
Roger Sipher of “So That Nobody Has to Go to School If They Don’t Want To”, believes that some kids are “agnostic” and do not personally desire a sound education. Sipher states, “The solution to this problem is simple: Abolish compulsory attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend.” Even though some students enjoy learning more than others, is it fair …show more content…

Like the late Whitney Houston said, “I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way.” That statement could not be truer. It will be the up and coming generation that will be in a position to take charge and make something of them. Instead of letting a child, someone who isn’t as wise and doesn’t really know better make such a mature decision that will impact their life such as not going to school is mind boggling. We should instead encourage and inspire them to do better than what we have already achieved. School is supposed to be a safe environment for a student to a student to learn. It can also serve as a shelter to keep kids off the street and away from negative influences such as crime. Especially in the inner city urban areas where gangs, drugs, and violence may sway kids to do the wrong things. Also in today’s society it is difficult to find jobs. There are many people that graduated from college with degrees who still have not found their ideal job. But if considered for a job, who is most likely to earn it? Will it be the person who has an educational background or the person who does

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