
Benefits Of College Education

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Students often wonder what career path they will choose in the future to support their family and have a brighter future. Some students question whether attending college is worth their time, but research suggests that students who study at postsecondary institutions will benefit in the long run. If students want to have a successful future, to be able to support their family, and have a higher income, they will need some sort of higher level education. Going to college can help with unemployment rates and increase the chances of attaining a stable career. People, such as the former United States President Barack Obama, state that children are the future of the world and they will help raise the reputation of the U.S. by getting a good …show more content…

High school graduates without at least some college under their belts now hold just 18 percent of the good jobs, down 10 percentage points during the same time period,” (Fain 3). People with a four year college degree have gained 55 percent of well paying jobs in 2015 compared to in the nineties where it was lower. Going to college is a good start to help decrease unemployment rates and also increase chances of working well paying jobs. College education can help with getting stable jobs, leading to increased income and better financial support for one’s family. Going to college can help with future earning and how well someone can support themselves or themselves and their family. Going to college can help with earning because the more education someone has, the higher the chance of getting a good and well paying job and the amount of earning can help with financially supporting a family. Getting a job for someone with a less than average education can be hard because of paying bills and supporting themselves by living paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. According to the BLS data chart, someone with less qualification than a high school diploma has the median weekly earnings of $472, as compared to a person with a doctorate or doctoral degree, who would have the median weekly earning of $1,623 (“Education

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