Sleep is an important part of everyone’s health and the core of our wellbeing. With that being said, we have also had our share of experiencing a bad night’s sleep at one time or another. Imagine having a sleep disorder in which your breathing is constantly disrupting the quality of your sleep at night. Sleep Apnea is a common disorder where your breathing stops or pauses while you are asleep. Often times the sleeper is unaware of this involuntary cessation of breathing and it can occur up to hundreds of times a night. There are three different types of sleep apnea: obstructive, central, and mixed. Of the three, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep, creating short breathing …show more content…
Complex sleep apnea (or mixed sleep apnea) is the combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea symptoms. Some common symptoms of sleep apnea include: loud snoring, episodes of breathing cessation, abrupt awakenings with shortness of breath, awakening with dry mouth or sore throat, insomnia and irritability. So how do you differentiate between just snoring or sleep apnea? Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, and not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. How you feel during the day is the ultimate indicator. If you are just snoring, you won’t suffer from sleepiness or fatigue during the day. Sleep Apnea occurs in all age groups and both sexes. Although it is more common in men, it may be under-diagnosed in women. Four-percent of middle-aged men and two-percent of middle-aged women have sleep apnea along with excessive daytime sleepiness. It is more likely to have or develop sleep apnea if you have high blood pressure, are overweight, or snore loudly. If left untreated, sleep apnea may cause high blood pressure, stroke, heart problems, diabetes, depression and worsening of …show more content…
Research shows that short sleep duration results in metabolic changes that may be linked to obesity. As the rise of obesity for children escalates, obesity continues to be a major concern. The CDC says that 1 in 3 American children born in 2000 will develop diabetes, and children under 10 years of age are already developing type 2 diabetes, which is primarily seen in adults usually over the age of 40. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to hypertension, and increased risk of heart attack. Consequently, the relationship between sleep and depression is a little more discerning. Recent research suggests that depressive symptoms may decrease once sleep apnea has been effectively treated and sufficient sleep restored. Sleep apnea may also contribute to poor performance in daily activities such as operating a motorized vehicle and poor academic or work performance. Without the adequate amount of sleep that your brain needs to function, this disease can worsen over
Sleep apnea is a chronic sleeping disorder that disrupts the normal sleeping patter. It prevent a person from getting in to a deep sleep that the body needs to rest. If left untreated, it can other health related issues, work related incidents, or fatal driving accident due to sleep deprivation. Early detection is key to proper diagnosis and treatment. Contact your physician if you think you might have or show signs of sleep apnea. Treatment could just be as easy as a simple lifestyle
This relaxation goes even further when the soft palate muscles and uvula (fleshy tissue) sag over the airway as well, creating the "labored and noisy" (Sleep Apnea) so readily associated with the condition. It is important for the student to know that there are times when this blockage causes breathing to stop entirely. Interestingly, those who suffer with sleep apnea do not realize it, inasmuch as another person typically hears the startling noises and suggests that there is a problem. The sufferer may display frequent episodes of falling asleep on the job, giving work associates the clue, as well. "People with sleep apnea usually aren't even aware they have a problem and may not believe it when told" (Sleep Apnea). Inasmuch as sleep apnea is potentially life threatening, it is imperative that the sufferer seeks immediate diagnosis and treatment. Early recognition and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea is a critical step not only in getting a more restful night's sleep, but also in avoiding the potential complications of irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Sleep apnea is more prevalent in men and young African-Americans; however, it has been diagnosed during all life stages. It is important for the student to know that attaining proper diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea includes consultation with a primary care physician, pulmonologist, neurologist
There is no consensus regarding the mechanism of manifestation of neurocognitive consequences associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and their definite underlying process is unknown.1 However, there are some findings and theories about it. In OSA, there are different levels of hypoxia, which are associated with many factors such as obesity and severity of upper airway obstruction.1
Do you get elbowed, and told to roll over in the middle of the night? Do you wake up in the morning exhausted? It’s possible that you could have a severe and potentially fatal disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. OSA can affect anyone; from infants to adults, the healthy and physically fit, and the obese.
Sleep Apnea is a chronic sleep disorder causing shallow, infrequent or pauses in breathing. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep apnea affects more than 18 million Americans and is as common as type two diabetes. Common in both children and adults, there are three main types of sleep apnea. The first is central apnea, followed by the most common form, obstructive apnea and finally the combination of both, mixed/ complex apnea. Although these three types of apnea have differing symptoms and treatments, they all share negative effects on the body and sleep cycles. The quality of sleep is usually lower than normal, as the pauses in breathing can often bring apnea patients from a deep to a shallow slumber, as the body’s natural warning for oxygen. This lack of deep sleep can also cause drowsiness and fatigue during the daytime in addition to eyesight problems and reduced reaction times. Sleep apnea, occurring in both children and adults is higher in prevalence in Hispanic and African-American men.
OSA is characterized by repeated episodes of either partial or complete obstruction of the upper airways during sleep due to excessive relaxation of airway musculature, which leads to cessation
Sleep apnea is a common sleeping disorder where a person has experiences of not breathing during sleep. Over 20 million Americans, mostly overweight men, suffer from sleep apnea. Despite these numbers, sleep apnea is often not treated directly because its symptoms are thought to be those of depression, stress, or just loud snoring. There may be a genetic component to this disorder as it often occurs within families.People with sleep apnea stop breathing for at least 10 seconds at a time; these short stops in breathing can happen up to 400 times every night.
Political Credo I am a democrat. As a democrat, I tend have a more socialist view on economics, I believe that we should pay more taxes in order to help those in need. I also believe in a free market economy, people should be able to buy and sell virtually anything. I am also a liberal.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA, is a very highly widespread and underdiagnosed disease (Kerner & Roose, 2016). The ailment can affect the person and the people around the affected individual immensely. When one takes the time to diagnose a case of OSA it can be helped and treated. Many different factors should be taken into account when dealing with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, including the psychological perspective it falls under, the research methods used to investigate it, the positive and negative components of the condition, and the controversies associated with it.
Central sleep apnea, in contrast, takes place when the brain neglects to seen the proper signals to the muscles involved in breathing. Individuals with this type of sleep apnea find they have trouble getting to sleep at night or remaining asleep. In addition, they often report they are short of breath, and this condition is very serious, as it may bring about heart disease or a stroke. With complex sleep apnea, the person suffers from both central and obstructive sleep apnea. This type of condition is very
The sleep apnea is a respiratory disorder, where person's breathing pauses for five or more breaths during sleep. This can be either apnea or hypopnea. In apnea, breathing pauses or cessation of the airflow for at least 10s in duration, where as in hypopnea, a considerable reduction occurs in the airflow. These leads to a desaturation of oxygen levels in arterial blood.
The dictionary defines sleep as “The natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored” (Webster’s 638) If one is waking up on an average of 300 times per night, the chances of complete body restoration are minimal. The Greek word apnea literally means “without breath”. An estimated 30 million Americans stop breathing during their sleep sometimes 30-40 times per hour and often for a minute, or longer each time. Of these, about 20 million are in the early stages, and about 10 million have progressed to a level of severity that requires treatment. According to the National
According to the _______ People with sleep apnea usually do not remember waking up during the night. Indications of the problem may include: Morning headaches, Excessive daytime sleepiness, Irritability and impaired mental or emotional functioning, Excessive snoring, choking, or gasping during sleep, Insomnia, Awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat.
Obstructive sleep apnea may often present as other problems, including depression, behavior disorders, or attention deficit disorder. Common signs and symptoms of this disorder include snoring, restless sleep, daytime napping, behavior problems, and headaches upon awakening. Parents may misinterpret these signs and symptoms as evidence of attention deficit disorder. Identification of any of these signs is sufficient for a referral to a sleep disorder specialist and consideration of a formal sleep study. Failure to identify and treat this problem will virtually assure lack of success in weight control efforts and will accelerate further weight gain and the onset of other disorders.
The first and most researched sleep disorder is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea does not affect children as often as it effects adults, but it is still a rising concern. Sleep apnea occurs in about 2 per cent of children, mainly between the ages of one through eight. But it can also show up in older children and even infants. (Klein). Research says that young blacks are more at risk than young whites. (Fritz p 83). Children with sleep apnea briefly stop breathing many times during the night due to an obstruction in the respiratory tract. Most of the time it is related to enlarged tonsils and adenoids or to obesity. As the child will gasp for there breath during sleep, they awaken for a few moments to regain there normal breathing and then they immediately return back to sleep. Because the child will be awoken by this many times during the night, this cause sleep deprivation. (Common Sleep Problems AA). The physical symptoms of sleep apnea are excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring, restless sleep, heavy and irregular breathing, excessive perspiring during the night, bad dreams, sleeping with there mouth open, sleeps in strange positions, morning headaches, learning problems, excessive irritability, depression, changes in personality, difficulty