
Skinny: The Stereotypes Of Young Girls

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Skinny. Curvy. Tan. Toned. All features a girl thinks they have to have. This is what a “perfect” body is for a girl, or what they believe is perfect. Girls feel like they need to have a flat stomach, a thigh gap, or abs to be “perfect”. Why though? To impress someone? To be popular? To be “sexy”? There is too much pressure on girls to have the “perfect” body, but is it really perfect? No. Perfect - adj. “being entirely without fault or defect : flawless.” Everyone has flaws. It is part of life. Society has made girls admire the models on a front cover of Vogue or Victoria’s Secret. This isn’t how girls should live. Girls who have fallen to the society’s standards have done unhealthy things to their bodies. For example, some girls starve …show more content…

Technology allows the photographers to photoshop their models so they are flawless. Photoshop gives them the power to make someone look like a completely different person. From a young age, girls have looked at magazines and the internet of all their favorite celebrities. They admire these people. Little do they know, that they are retouched before the editors publish the magazine. Society has given us unrealistic standards to meet. Girls will flip through a magazine and look at one of their favorite celebrities and want to be like them. To do that they will inspect every part of them so they can be exactly like them. 91 percent of women are dieting to achieve their ideal body. 47 percent of girls fifth through twelfth graders lose weight because of pictures in magazines. 69 percent of girls are influenced by magazine photographs. Women’s magazines had 10.5 times more weight loss articles than men’s. Girls believe that this is really what they look like, but in reality, they don’t. Although the person might be skinny, toned, and pretty, they might not be as skinny, toned, or pretty as they look in pictures. Photoshop allows you to do anything to an object. Making someone skinnier isn’t something hard for these editors. Young girls who look at these magazines will admire celebrities and long to look like them. Teenagers especially will wish to be like models because they want to impress a boy. High standards for “perfect” bodies starts from a …show more content…

These people claim that it is all in the girls’ heads. They say that you are the only one who can decide what words can hurt you. Victoria’s Secret are capturing models who are plus sizes, but I haven’t seen them. Most of the people who disagree think that people don’t expect the average girl to look like the models. A galore of people assume that they put the pressure on themselves. This a very debatable topic. Boys crush girls hearts because they tell their girlfriend that they aren’t skinny enough or don’t have a good enough body. The sad thing is, the girls listen. They want to be good enough for their boyfriend, so they don’t break up. She just wants to make him happy, but by starving herself, dieting, and medications. 17 percent of girls age fifteen to seventeen will avoid daily activities because they think they don’t look good, so they want to stay away from someone who could

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