
Single Event Research Paper

Decent Essays

For me to discuss a single event that transitioned me from childhood to adulthood would be impossible. As people grow, they experience many events and those experiences are what shape us into the people we are today. Starting from my origins, I was born in a dense city called Reading. Throughout the city there are people roaming the streets from different ethnicities. Growing up was tough, it didn’t matter who you were because you were always surrounded. You did one wrong move and someone would look at you differently. Hearing stories about my young childhood, made me a little sad. My dad was never around, and my mom was either at work, or inside trying to take care of the house. At first it was only me and my older brother. We got along fine, but as your average pair of street kids, we would get in trouble from time to time. Since we didn’t have too much money, our family tried to get by with what we got. We couldn’t buy all the toys that we wanted, and even if we did, there was a good chance …show more content…

I know I was young when it happened, but after that, my whole life changed. My father might not have been here with me, I wouldn’t care about school or what I wanted to do with my life, and I wouldn’t be here applying for college. Now what I want to do with my life, is have a career that I enjoy. With that career I want to have a family that doesn’t have to worry about the hardships that I went through. I want my child to know what I feels like to have a father that is there for them. I want to provide my future and present family a chance to not have to worry about paying the bills. I don’t want them to worry about the money, whether they have enough right now. I want to take what I have achieved and use it to give back to my parents. If it wasn’t for them making that decision to move to North Carolina, then I wouldn’t be where I

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