
Similarity Between Religion And Utilitarianism

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Although there are several similarities between religion and utilitarian, religion is not utilitarian. The basic idea of utilitarianism is hat actions are judged according to their consequences and the relevant consequence of every action is happiness. There is a similarity between religion and utilitarianism. For example, love includes wanting happiness and religious principles such as loving others the way you love yourself and doing to others what you expect them to you are founded on utilitarian principles. The ultimate goal for a utilitarian is happiness, which is also the main objective of religion. Utilitarian ethics replicates the main religious rules. A principle like not lying is wrong in the religious sense because it is against …show more content…

Aristotle argues that virtue, which is a trained faculty of habit, leads to happiness. This follows that the act of choosing a thing that makes a person good results in happiness. Equilibrium and moderation of virtues lead to happiness and contemplation, which involves discovering, and refining virtues assist individuals to be happy. In contrast, Mill provides that moral actions promote the achievement of happiness. Actions are right if they tend to promote happiness and wrong if they produce pain or suffering. Mill notes that the achievement of virtuous living can be considered happiness.
Despite of the differences between the ethical theories of Aristotle and Mill, there are so e similarities between these ethical theories. Both theories hold that happiness is the ultimate desire for individuals. There are differences between the definitions of happiness in the two theories, but they both see happiness as the end sought by individuals. Apart from having happiness as the ultimate goal, the two theories define what is good and what is bad. They are events that can lead an individual towards or away from their ultimate goal of happiness.
John Stuart Mill’s principle of utility or the greatest happiness principle is the foundation of his ethical theory. The principle of utility holds that an individual must always act in a manner that produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. He defines happiness as pleasure or the

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