Have you ever wondered where things in our everyday lives get their names from? Well the answer could be from Greek or Roman gods. So many things are indeed named after the gods. Like the car company Mercury or the shoe company Nike. There are many gods in both mythologies but this essay will talk about 12 of them, six gods from Greek mythology and six gods from Roman mythology. Each god will have their own corresponding god from the other mythology. Although they might be from different mythologies in essence they are all very similar. If this is an essay about the similarities and difference between the Greek and Roman gods then it would only make sense to start with the kings of the gods, Zeus and Jupiter. They are both the rulers …show more content…
Neptune is better known as Neptune Equester, god of horses and horse racing. Because the Greeks did so many things on the sea they needed Poseidon to protect them. But the Romans were more based around war and the like. So they were more focused on praying to the god of war Mars.
The gods of war are Ares from Greek mythology and Mars from Roman mythology. There are some major differences between these gods, a lot more than the others. Aries for one was a god to be feared because he was the god of war, bloodshed, and murder that and he just liked to watch mortals kill each other. When he is on the battle field he is usually accompanied by some gnarly people. “He was followed into battle by Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), two lesser gods who sometimes are said to be his sons. He was also followed by the goddesses Eris (Strife) and Enyo (Horror)” (“Encyclopedia Mythica” n.d.) Mars on the other hand was kind of like Ares and Athena put together because he was a god of war and its tactics. Mars was also the god of fertility of crops. Mars is said to have fathered the founders of Rome and the Roman people thus the Romans styled themselves after him. No Greek would be caught dead trying to stylize themselves after Ares. Both of them are portrayed as being fully armored. But these warriors needed something to protect and that was the queens of the gods.
The queens of the gods were Juno from Roman Mythology and Hera from Greek mythology. They
Five Greek Gods in Roman Religion and Their Traits: 1. Zeus (Jupiter): In Roman religion, Zeus was assimilated into Jupiter, the king of the gods and the god of the sky and thunder. Like Zeus, Jupiter was associated with power, authority, and protection. He was often depicted with a lightning bolt, symbolizing his control over the forces of nature and his role as a protector of the state. 2.
Five Greek Gods in Roman Religion and Their Traits. Zeus (Jupiter): Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, was adopted into Roman religion as Jupiter. Both Zeus and Jupiter are associated with thunder and lightning, symbolizing their supreme power and authority. Hera (Juno): Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth, became Juno in Roman mythology.
The Greek society believed in polytheism. They believed that their were many gods and that each god has the power to control different aspects of nature. In this paper I will be explaining why this has come to be. I will also tell you about the fact that no matter what the Greek Gods do it will affect the Greek Society, and no matter what the Greek Society does it will affect themselves or the Greek Gods.
Men were to be warriors and adventures, so for that they had the god of war, Ares and the god for travelers, Hermes. Women were expected to be beautiful and reproduce, so they had a goddess of childbirth, Hera and a goddess for beauty, Aphrodite. In ancient Greece the people have their gods in their image so that they can relate to them. Greece was not the only civilization that had polytheistic
The faction of human life have always been able to generate a religion useful to the already innate nature to be dominant yet in servitude. One may find that in history, deities have determined the lifestyles of those who worship them. This can be easily deduced through observation of the various Greek city-states scattered across the Ancient Greek homelands. This research desires to explain the connection between the Greek city-states and their patron gods/goddesses.
Athena and Ares share many common characteristics and many differences. One major similarity is that they are both deities who’s realm of power deals with warfare. The difference in this, though, is that Ares is a god of brutal and simple warfare. He is sometimes even known simply as a butcher, and the Greeks did not respect him as much as Athena. Athena, on the contrary, is a goddess of strategic warfare, and is very respected because of it. Another similarity they hold is that they are both children of Zeus, although under very different circumstances. Ares had a normal birth, whereas Athena was born out of Zeus’ skull after Zeus had swallowed Athena’s pregnant mother.
In this paragraph will be information on Greek Gods and Goddesses. There was a governing body for the Grecians. This mythological group was very important. They were usually the reason for war and many believed that they were so superior that they would bring disease and death upon others that they dislike or the people that would try to out shine them. They were called The Olympians. There were twelve Olympians, however before I name them there actually were 13, but Hestia gave up her position for Dionysus. There was Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephatus, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Artimes, Dionysus, Aries (Ares or Aris), and Apollo.” (Greek Gods and Goddesses) There was one other God that is also very important to the Olympians. His name was Hades and he was the God of the Dead. He was not considered an Olympian though because he was always to be in the Underworld. Hades had one day decided that he wanted a partner however
When people first hear of the term mythology, he or she normally will associate the word with the Greeks or the Romans because of the well-known myth and specifically the gods and goddesses. For instance, movies like Hercules, Clash of the Titans , 300, and the Percy Jackson and the Olympian are renowned films that people love and since people know these films, they tend to know general information about the background of the Romans and Greek mythology. Furthermore, the planets and days of the week are named after Roman and Greek gods and goddesses. The ancient people worshipped many of these and linked their divine deities with the planets and days and each is named after an individual god or goddesses, except for earth. Moreover, although these civilizations have fascinating myths, it is imperative to note that all cultures have their own unique mythologies. Similarly, the Mayans and Aztecs have their own exceptional take on how the world was created along with the first humans.
In a polytheist religion there are many gods each of which have a specific role in nature or life. Their supreme god was known as Jupiter. Jupiter was the god of lightning and the sky. His wife was Juno who was the god of marriage. There were many other other gods including Mars, the god of war and supposed father of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, Neptune, the god of the sea, and Pluto, the god of the dead. This polytheist religion was key to the Roman’s success because, without a religion a civilization can not be united and prosper.
One of the most prominent groups of ancient teachings is Greek mythology. These myths bestow us with an insight on the gods, heroes, practices, and beliefs of the ancient Greeks. Although there were several Greek gods, Zeus was the supreme ruler of them all. Zeus- powerful, wise, and authoritative, was comparable to the Christian God in numerous ways. But conversely, the two were quite different in many ways as well.
Focusing on two of history’s most notorious mythologies, Greek and Roman, one may believe that they are exceedingly comparable; however, beyond a first glance, it is clear that each system is extremely distinguished. The Roman Empire, developed nearly a millennia following the great, Greek Trojan war, was highly influenced by the elaborate Greek myths of gods, goddesses, monsters, and mythical creatures. Their captivation of Greek culture bore a permanent effect on the Roman Empire, as Rome adopted much that defined Greece, including its art, philosophy, literature, drama, and most importantly, mythology. However, despite their indistinguishable origins, Roman and Greek mythologies prove to be very individualized.
During these ancient times there were extraordinary stories. That were pasted on about the powerful Gods, who were worshipped for the role they had. The most popular God that we have heard of is the mighty and gigantic Zeus. Stories told by great storytellers that are about Greek Gods and their relationships. With the Greeks have been made into wonderful movies, which have been seen across the big screen. A Greek God that has been portrayed more on the big screen is Zeus. Nevertheless, Zeus is a popular God. Even though Zeus is more popular. Jupiter a Roman God is still comparable to Zeus in having a higher rank like him. Zeus and Jupiter have lots of similarities, but they also have differences. Their differences are they both have different names, they have different origins, storytellers, and other than being the God of the Sky Jupiter was also the God of Light and Victory, when Zeus was not. As a result, Jupiter protected the state of war maintaining its peace and
In myths we come across many names of gods and goddesses and strange creatures. All of them have many stories related to them. Different gods represent different aspects of life and the Earth is under their control.
Greek and Roman mythology is well know. The people of that time period were passionate about the gods and did everything in their power to please them. Like most religions the goal is be like one of the gods in order to achieve good fortune or to gain everlasting life. One of the most interesting characteristics about the Greek and Roman Gods is how the gods are not perfect in that they make the same mistakes that the average human would make. These characteristics were put into place to allow ancient Greeks and Romans to effectively relate to the gods making them more believable. This is unlike other religions where the god(s) are shown as the all perfect character making no mistakes. These characteristics relate back to the family and
There are many gods that play a role in the Aeneid. The main ones are Jupiter, king of all deities, Juno the divine antagonist of Aeneas’ destiny and Venus, his mother and his main protector. There are also the lesser gods such as Neptune, Aeolus, and Mercury, who serve as instruments for the main gods to meddle in the events of the story.