
The Between Greek City And Their Patron Gods

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The faction of human life have always been able to generate a religion useful to the already innate nature to be dominant yet in servitude. One may find that in history, deities have determined the lifestyles of those who worship them. This can be easily deduced through observation of the various Greek city-states scattered across the Ancient Greek homelands. This research desires to explain the connection between the Greek city-states and their patron gods/goddesses.
To begin, the Greek city-state known as Sparta, arranged perfectly on the Peloponnesian Sea, was a society hell bent on creating a society driven purely on rage, battle, and warrior status. When an in depth look at a hinged on war is performed, it is found that the god which Sparta associated herself with the most was Apollo and Ares. To further concrete a point, Ares is the Greek god of war. A formidable opponent, Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. As a war driven society based upon the principles of hierarchy and superiority, it is only justice that Sparta would choose the warrior son of the King and queen of the Gods to be their patron deity. One Spartan custom that proves that war was held highly was a rigorous training process known as the agoge (Mythology, 38).This was a near lifelong rearing process which lasted from the tender age of seven all the way throughout adulthood. Spartan society was so determined to create warriors pleasing to Ares that at birth babies were bathed in wine and examined for any

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