
Similarities Between High Noon And The Most Dangerous Game

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The themes High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are actually mostly alike. In both of the stories, the main characters are alone, being hunted, learn about how selfish people can be, and are usually the people who hunt. In The Most Dangerous Game, Zaroff doesn't care about anyone or anything, and only shows the slightest bit of emotion when Rainsford kills one of his best dogs. "'You've done well, Rainsford,' the voice of the general called. 'Your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs. Again you score, I think, Mr. Rainsford.'" This happened again when Ivan gets killed. General Zaroff stops for a moment, and then moves on like Ivan was just another one of his toys that had to be replaced. In High Noon, Will Kane is left for dead by his friends and then told to leave the town. Also, he gets no help from anybody when they learn that Frank Miller is coming back to town to kill him. Even though the themes might be alike in many ways, in High Noon, …show more content…

For example, in The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford is stuck on a tropical island, while Kane is in a small town in the middle of the desert. On the island, there are no people other than Rainsford, Zaroff, Ivan, and a few of Zaroff's salves. There is also no way of getting off of the island other than by beating Zaroff in his game. The story also takes place in the 1920's. In High Noon, there are people (even though none of them will help), and there is a way out of the town. The story takes place in 1899, which is another difference. Even with all of these differences, there are still a few similarities in the settings of these stories. For example, in both of the stories, the main characters are isolated and are in places that can get quite hot at times. Both the stories also take place a long time ago. Because of all the similarities and differences, it is hard to tell if the the stories are more alike or different than one

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