
Similarities Between Canadian And American Culture

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Canadian and American cultures very similar to each other. Both established by British Empire. Both countries written, as well as most common language is English. Similarities goes on and on in consequence of people who populated both countries are European immigrants (retrieved from ).
Although, both country gained their independence from British Empire, Americans achieved this over 100 earlier than Canadians and Canadians still keep their cultural ties with Great Britain with their Constitutional Monarchy. Also Americans fight The Independence War against British Empire where Canadian Independence was a diplomatic success (retrieved from …show more content…

The nation’s culture was defenseless to the American culture industry (Rineman, K., ( ). The dominant American Culture effects Canadian Nation and causes nation to take measures against it. One of the example to this is Royal Commission on Publications of implementation banning the split-run magazines in the Country in 1960s (Stewart, J., 2009).
Banning the physical copies of split-run magazines, income tax deduction benefits on advertisement to Canadian magazines and advantages on delivering the country’s magazines to readers worked very well between 1960s and 1980s. These measures defined cultural for protection cultural identity and exempted from USA-Canada Free Trade Agreement in 1988 and later North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993 (Stewart, J., …show more content…

It is safe to say that government and wanted to save the small amount of publishers by protecting their advertisement revenue against US giants. The government didn’t make any such claim when the other economical subsidies compromised such as job losses and migration of some companies to labour cheep countries during the Free Trade Agreement process (Law, M.T., Mihlar, F., 1998). Nonetheless it is not justifiable to discriminate successful businesses as there is a demand for their product. Canadian government didn’t understand, prepare and adopt to implications of the technology such as internet. Canadians themselves couldn’t bring successful alternative to what they see as a threat to their identity. The Canadian government could change the old school laws and procedures to new ones which could adopt to the new technology. Government could spend more effort to be more successful in international competition such as The Olympics to take the attention of people in order to protect cultural

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