For many years people have been having confrontations and conflicts regarding love and most people at some point in their lives have liked someone who is liked by someone else. Even though hate and love are actually antonyms, they are two words that are closely related to one another. It is possible to love someone today and hate them tomorrow; hate is such a deep feeling that can develop when someone tries to take what is yours. It is interesting to realize how far a person will go for love. Someone who would never harm or hurt anyone can actually turn into a really aggressive person, even kill somebody, in order to protect or keep the person they love. This is why love and hate so easily go hand in hand. In Romeo and Juliet there …show more content…
Although Juliet's parents want her to marry Paris, she insists on staying true to her love for Romeo. But why? If you compare Romeo and Paris they have many differences; nonetheless, they also share some similarities. Both of them are very important characters in the play; Romeo is a gorgeous young man who is about 16 years old who believes in love at first sight. Paris, on the other hand, is a little bit older than Romeo, he is very handsome as well, but he is a kinsman of Prince Escalus which makes him of a higher social status than Rome; who´s family is also rich in their own right. Romeo's characteristics are clearly shown in the …show more content…
One of their biggest similarities is, of course, their love for Juliet. They want to marry her as soon as they can. They both are also selfish and impatient. Romeo is selfish when he does not think about what Juliet will go through if she marries him. He does not realize that her parents could give her a terrible punishment for that action. On the other hand, Paris is being selfish when Tybalt is killed, and he asks Lord Capulet again to marry his daughter. Additionally, none of them use violence very quickly. Romeo uses violence when Tybalt kills his best friend Mercucio. He kills Tybalt, but afterwards he regrets it. Paris uses violence in the tomb, there he fights with Romeo. Another similarity between them is that they both come from wealthy families. Both of them are passionate and impulsive because both of them fall in love with Juliet without actually knowing her. That fact shows a lack of sense and maturity from them. Each of them are ruled by their emotions, especially Romeo. Both Romeo and Paris seem to be, or are described, as indecisive. While Romeo leaps from one girl to another in a matter of hours, Paris is described as a "man of wax", which suggests he may be a superficial beauty without serious substance. Both of them have integrity. Romeo shows his deep love through actions, but Paris sticks more to his reputation and the power he has for being a
In the 1996 movie romeo and juliet meet and fall in love at a masked party thrown by her father there they meet and fall in love but in the book romeo was in love with rosaline and she didnt even like him but she was not even in the movie and in the movie it seems as she loves him more than she does and they can't stop kissing and stuff in the movie in the movie 1996 they said father lowren .
The characters Romeo Montague and Paris from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare are alike and very different in many ways. Things the have in common are: money, status and personality. Differences between them are age, family position, character traits, and finance.
In their song,“They don’t know about us”, One Direction shows the feelings of the lovers who hide their love, which share similar conflict to Romeo and Juliet. Both couple hide their love from the world and their families. In the beginning of their song, One Direction express their feelings of young couple as “People say we shouldn't be together” and “We're too young to know about forever” which is telling that young couple don’t know everything. However, in Shakespeare’s play of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet expresses her love but also understands the consequences of it. In fact, when Juliet is at the balcony, she talks to herself, being worried and questions Romeo, “O Romeo,Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?” and suggests him to “ Deny thy
Two star crossed lovers, tensions run high as fighting, killing, poison, and death take the stage. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Paris in Romeo fall in love with the same girl. Romeo is better choice for Juliet than Paris because he is her true love and would rather die than be without her.
The plot of each film has major differences that affect the overall significance of the scenes. Zeffirelli’s movie shows Romeo mourning over Juliet’s body in the Capulet’s Vault. During his final speech to Juliet, Romeo sees Tybalt’s dead body lying next to her, and begins to apologize for killing him. After Romeo’s death, Zeffirelli also includes Friar Laurence entering the vault to come across Romeo’s body. As Juliet wakes up, Friar Laurence tries to lead her away before she discovers her husband had committed suicide to be with her. The inclusion of these characters shifts the attention away from the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet, taking away from the romance and heart break that this scene should convey to the viewer. On the other
Imagine loving someone so much that you would die for them. Two teenagers meet at vulnerable points of their lives and are then forcibly separated. Their warring families are the source of their violence. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, love leads to death as shown by Mercutio,Tybalt, and Romeo & Juliet.
In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, impetuosity between Romeo and Juliet will ultimately be the cause of their deaths. The passion between the two caused them to rush into foolish adolescent events. Romeo's and Juliet's burning love is to blame for their fast yet fatal marriage. Shortly after the unpublished wedding it all goes down hill, Romeo kills Juliet's faithful cousin, Tybalt, in a brutal sword fight. With Romeo's action his punishment is exile from Verona, and to leave his unseen faithful wife.
Act 3 begins with some heat. Tybalt is looking for Romeo, so they can duel for ruining the party he had crashed earlier. Romeo denies the duel, because they are now family due to the marriage. Not too many people know about it. Mercutio being a good friend, goes in the duel for Romeo. Now, Mercutio and Tybalt are dueling. Unfortunately Tybalt stabbed Mercutio under the arm of Romeo. Romeo was trying to get them out of fighting, no good. Mercutio is dying, as he’s falling he yells “A plague o’ both your houses!”. He sets a curse on both families. As a result of their duel, Romeo kills Tybalt as revenge. Benvolio tells Romeo to run, Prince Escalus comes and exiled Romeo. Benvolio acts like a prologue in this scene, because he tells everything
Imagine marrying the woman you love then banished from the town that you live in along with her,and a day after hearing that she has died.Romeo and Juliet by:Shakepseare can tell you about two lovers that exist in enemy families that get married and go through the ruffest time in their lives.In the book Romeo and Juliet the author Shakespeare has an unfavorable look on love throughout the whole story.Although people might say he has a favorable look on the whole thing.
Though he did make some cuts that take away from the meaning and characters of the play, the reason often made sense. For example, Juliet’s soliloquy in act 4 scene 3, which is incredibly important because it shows the darkness of Juliet, was cut because the death scene does not take place in a tomb and that is the main topic of her soliloquy. Although the audience missing the dark depression of Juliet in this soliloquy, he compensates for this by making the Juliet scene with her father where he tells her she is going to marry Paris, be much more emotional. Another cut was the death of Paris, which at first seems like an important plot point to leave out, yet other than showing Romeo’s determination to see Juliet, really has no purpose. Luhrmann
Paris wasn’t willing to break any rules and was very bold and nonromantic. Paris mostly treated Juliet like an object. Romeo treated her better than an object. Also, we know that Paris
Comparing and contrasting Romeo and Paris is almost like comparing light and dark. They are polar opposites but they do have some similarities. Paris is a noble and so is Romeo but they are form two different households. Paris loves Juliet for money and status in that he is constantly trying to impress Juliet’s father (Act I Scene II, Lines 16-20) but Romeo loves Juliet for who she is. Paris is a strong supporter of traditions arranged marriages but Romeo is impulsive and thinks with his heart and emotions.
Prior to their love affair, Romeo and Juliet were complete opposites. Juliet, categorized as an Eros lover, had a “normal”, happy childhood (with at least one secure parental figure), and knew love existed but wasn’t desperately searching for it. Meanwhile, a Mania lover, such as Romeo, is pessimistic, over dramatic, and yearns for light, but makes no effort to reach it. When souls such as Romeo and Juliet’s cross, it causes an extreme attraction concluding in a collision, ending both of the lover’s lives as they are remembered as tragic heroes.
Throughout the play a comparison is made between Paris and Romeo and the different aspects of love they offer Juliet. Paris is "a gentleman of noble parentage" and seems to be a sensible husband. He is rich and would be a gain to the Capulet family. The marriage to Paris is a logical arrangement, Capulet says Juliet should "count her bless'd" as he has "wrought so worthy a gentleman to be her bride". She should be proud and grateful that her father has persuaded such a worthy and noble man to marry into their family. Paris is the courtly lover that Romeo wasn't given the chance to be; he brings flowers and kisses Juliet's hand