A number of researchers have suggested over the years that teenage brains aren't yet fully developed, why they are so short tempered and moody doesn’t have an answer but one thing is known; one small thing can set them off just like that. Teenagers go through a lot of learning experiences and many deal with it in many different ways. So whenever it comes up that a minor committed a serious or minor crime it’s typical that they get less prosecuted than an adult would because of their age and that raises controversy. In my opinion teenagers should be tried as adults, although with their impressionable minds, skyrocketing hormones and oscillating emotions it doesn’t justify committing serious crimes such as murder. There are a lot of perspectives to look at, The root of the problem is sometimes the parents, should parents teach more freedom or more rules? The more rules there is the higher chance a teenager will want to rebel, more freedom could …show more content…
Some would say that if a teenager would to go to prison there mentatility and spiritual happiness would go down when the truth is the opposite, they need to be rehabilitated. With rules intact it would teach teenagers responsibility and discipline rather than a overwhelming sense of freedom. Teens are not dumb they do have a sense of right from wrong, if they weren’t to go to jail for their actions the victims family would be heavily discouraged. Even if there five years old they still need to be punished because if they are not it will most definitely become a habit later in life, they’d practically be letting a murderer loose on the streets ready to snap again at any moment. Children are also more sophisticated at a young age, they understand the implications of violence but the fact that child killers know how to load and shoot a gun gives away that they know exactly what their
Many juveniles have personal problems but that does not mean they have to commit a wicked crime to feel better, they need to seek professional help. As well as adults, juveniles need to be punished the same way because if they are not punished the same, they may not actually regret the crime they committed.Seeking professional help may help theses juveniles suppress these feelings they are feeling and eventually help them in the long run.It is fair to sentence teens the same as adults for the same crime;If juveniles have the capability of committing a crime then they should be sentenced the same as an adult.
Chapter twelve best conveys the overarching theme of loss of identity on the island, and Golding uses the characters Bill, an unnamed savage, and Percival to demonstrate this. Bill is first introduced as a choir boy, acquainted with Jack, Maurice and Roger. The boys collectively decide at the first meeting that Ralph is to be the chief. However, as priorities change, the majority of the group begins to side with Jack, believing that hunting should be the biggest concern. As they turn to inhumane savages, Jack’s group begins wearing paint, and they start to resemble a tribe. This tribe targets Ralph, and labels him as an outsider, as they did Piggy. Ralph knows they intend to kill him, and he seeks shelter in a covert, when he suddenly sees
7 Why should teens be trialed as Adults? By Breyonna Holloman English IV Honors Ronald Wilson Period 1 March 14, 2017 Teens should be trialed as adults because they are committing acts that they have knowledge that is wrong. Murderers, rapists, and other criminals are being released from jail every day after serving only very short and lenient sentences.
Why all children want to become eighteen years old? Well, they want to become eighteen years old because it will benefit them in many ways. Such as, they will not be considered as children anymore, which it is every child's dream. They will be given the right to vote and also will be able to smoke or buy tobacco product legally. Even so, young adults should remember that the society no longer consider them children.
College athletes have always been worked beyond imagine, and it is ridiculous to think that even in today’s society, college athletes are not paid. Unlike regular college students, student athletes are not able to work jobs or make extra money because they put over forty hours a week in to their respective sport. More often than not college athletes are taken advantage of because they put their bodies at risk for injury and have no insurance or income to make it worthwhile. Of course, some college athletes do go on to make millions of dollars, but that is only the case for a small percentage of college athletes, and since college sports brings in billions of dollars a year, college athletes should earn at least a small profit. Furthermore,
Should a teenager that murdered his entire family go to prison? How about a kid who rapes his sister and her best friend? Criminal defendants under the age of 18 are sent to juvenile court. In this court, you will not be tried in front of a jury. Instead, the judge will look at the evidence presented and decide on whether or not you have commited the crime.
If the teenager is aware that he/she will be tried as a juvenile, this awareness could motivate him/her to commit these crimes because he/she knows that juveniles receive a lighter sentence. Every day there are murderers, rapist, and other criminals released back onto the streets after serving very short and lenient sentences. These criminals are juveniles who have committed adult crimes, receives short sentences and are then released to live a normal life, meanwhile their victims and family’s lives have been
I believe adolescents should be tried as adult because from a young age humans know the difference between right or wrong. There have been many instances all over the world where juveniles commit crimes that are unexplainable and unexpected. 3 heart wrenching stories where juveniles commit the most horrid of crimes, are in the last 5 years a 10 year old boy was accused of fatally stabbing his 6th grade neighbor. While in the UK Daniel Bartlam is charged for killing his mother at the age of 14, and lastly, in the USA, an 11 year old boy is charged for killing his father's fiancee while she was pregnant. These are some example of why juveniles should be tried as adults, because if they are old enough to commit these murders they are old enough to face the full force of the justice system.
Should juvenile ever be tried as adults? Yes, they should get punished for their acts. Just because they're just kids they don't get the full punishment they should get. If there was less juvenile crimmals out in the streets, it would be a lot safer for everyone.
The question of whether adolescents should be tried as adults or not is an ongoing issue in our country. Every state in the United States has a procedure in place to prosecute adolescents as adults under specific conditions. With this, many lives of adolescents can be ruined. Adolescents accused of violent crimes should not be tried as adults because they can easily be influenced to make poor decisions.
The ongoing argument on juvenile teens that kill should be tried as an adult. Yes, I think teens who have committed such a horrendous crime like killing someone should be tried as an adult. If you have committed a crime you should be punished, but there are different types of crimes like if you were caught with drugs or stealing then it would be less harsh charges. There are plenty of reasons people don’t want them charged because they think they are kids, not some who broke the law, but these are people who have killed someone. If they are doing adult type crimes they are as dangerous as an adult offender.
Much controversy exists on the question of whether a juvenile criminal should be punished to the same extent as an adult. Those who commit capitol crimes, including adolescents, should be penalized according to the law. Age should not be a factor in the case of serious crimes. Many people claim that the child did not know any better, or that he was brought up with the conception that this behavior is acceptable. Although there is some truth to these allegations, the reality of this social issue is far more complex. Therefore we ask the question, Should childhood offenders of capitols crimes be treated as adults?
Today, society often has controversial arguments about whether adolescents who commit serious crimes should be in the juvenile system or tried as adults. Some people believe that light sentences don't teach kids the lesson they need to learn; If you commit a terrible crime you have to spend a significant time in jail for it. Once teens commit crimes, such as murder, they have already chosen the path of life for themselves. Others argue that the juvenile system can help teens turn their lives around because the rehabilitation gives them a second chance. Statistics from 15 states show that juveniles tried in the adult court system were rearrested 82% of the time.
The passage takes place in Goshen where all the Hebrew people are currently living. After Moses is born he is placed in a basket in the Nile river and found by Pharaohs daughter. Miriam his older sister was sent to keep watch on baby Moses and was also present when Pharaoh’s daughter found him. So the princess asked Miriam to take the child and find a Hebrew woman to nurse it for her. So naturally Miriam brought baby Moses back to her mother to nurse him.
Furthermore, teens always find a way to get away with certain problems, even if they are small they still try avoid the consequences. In other words they are trying to get the easy way of their problems. But this may not be the best choice because they can be making matters worse. Besides, teens who commit crimes should be tries as adults, the reason being that if they do not get punished then