
Should Puritan Leaders Banish Anne Hutchinson?

Decent Essays

Should Puritan leaders banish Anne Hutchinson? Tiffany Jones After analyzing the information provided in the primary sources I believe that the Puritan leaders should absolutely banish Anne Hutchinson. Part of the Puritans beliefs was that they had a special relationship with God, and to be worthy of God’s grace the Puritans felt it necessary to instill very strict moral codes as well as religious standards. (SAS Curriculum Pathways,2017) Anne Hutchinson went against everything the Puritans practiced and believed in numerous ways. In 1630 a group of protestants called “Puritans” set sail across the Atlantic from England. What led up to the Puritans setting sail for America was that in England in 1530, King Henry the 8th …show more content…

While she did believe in God like the Puritans, she did not believe in “Covenant of Works”, or believe that salvation could be earned by or through good deeds. Instead Hutchinson believed in the “Covenant of Grace”, and according to this view God’s grace was the only way to overcome sin. With the strict laws implemented by the Puritans, Hutchinson violated many of them including laws of the family, church and colony. Aside from believing in a different covenant, women were not supposed to have any type of leadership position and she led discussions from her home. Her discussions that she led at home often criticized ministers that preached the “Covenant of Works”, which was threatening to the Puritans. In the description of Anne Hutchinson, it describes an account about Anne and the discussions in her home. “Then shee kept open house for all commers, and set up two Lecture dayes in the week, when they usually met at her house ... [T]he pretence was to repeate Sermons, but when that was done, shee would comment upon the Doctrines, and interpret all passages at her pleasure, and expound dark places of Scripture, so as whatsoever the Letter held forth ... shee would bee sure to make it serve her turn, for the confirming of her maine principles ...”(SAS Curriculum

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