
Should People Rethink The Colonization Of Mars

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Should people rethink the colonization of Mars? Mars shouldn’t be colonized at least for now. People shouldn’t colonize Mars since they might ruin Mars after what we have done to Earth, going to Mars also will be a waste of money at the time, and do people really need to colonize since we have a planet that is twice the size.

Look what people have done to Earth, now think about what Mars might look like when people go to Mars. People have polluted Earth so much that 6.7% of people die from ambient air pollution which is about 100,000,000 people. Since people have started global warming in about 1975 and is now growing faster and faster. It wouldn’t take long to pollute it and especially since Mars is 53% of the Earth. When people go to Mars they will already be polluting since rockets cause 5% of pollution so when hundreds of people start going to Mars the air won’t even be close to clean. In conclusion People will take another planet and just ruin it. …show more content…

People have a lot of problems that they have caused for example a lot of animals have become endangered since people have been tearing down habitats for resources. People can change those problems with all the money they have and even do something small like planning urban growth carefully. Habitat loss is just one of many big problems that Humans have made. All of those problems are good things money can go towards at the time. If people need to go to Mars on the other hand for some reason than that obviously is something you would want to spend one billion dollars on. All in all rite now going to Mars in a couple years might not be something that people should spend their money

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